1.5K 45 80

" keep crying, i keep trying for you
there's nothing like you and i, baby
this is no ordinary love"

TRACK 010 :
no ordinary love
— sade ⊹ ࣪

ur gonna hate me then ur gonna love me!
consider this an apology 💕 x
if I didn't hit 2k then this chapter
would've been the worsee !!


CAMELIA WOKE UP after last night feeling like an emotional reck. Her eyes were puffy and red from tears. She slowly opened them to the soft morning light streaming through her window. As she blinks away the remnants of her tears, she takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of her emotions begin to lift.

As Camelia stretches and sits up, she takes a moment to reflect on the reasons behind her tears. Why would he come back after everything he's done? He ruined my life and just came to fuck it up even more and the worst part is, she couldn't go and rant to the one person who could've healed her in this situation. She always thought that crying was a sign of weakness but instead, it felt like a release of pent-up emotions. Not only was she crying because of the events from last night, she was crying because getting older felt so scary. She was turning 19 tomorrow. It wasn't like she was turning 9.

Her priorities and goals would have to change. Soon, she had to be apartment hunting. It was unsettling considering that her mom usually did all of those things like pay bills or rent. But now, she had to soon do all of those things for herself.

Camelia felt like it was her fault. All she wanted was answers to the questions she had. What's even worse is that she couldn't tell her own mother. If she did, everything she worked for would be ruined.

So, what did happen last night?

CAMELIA FELT AN UNEASY feeling when that notification popped up. The whole family had kicked her out of the living room because of the party they were planning for her since she had to leave at 1am tomorrow. She was laying on her bed, slowly drifting asleep while everyone else was still up. The sounds of laughing, cheering and balloons popping made the girl anticipate the day even more. Jamira and Minnie were most likely on a plane and that made her excitement go up to 100%. She had not seen Minnie in forever and easily missed Jamira though she saw her a few weeks ago.

Dad Camelia. Let's meet.
Dad Aria Lounge

The one thing people constantly told Camelia was to keep out of contact with her dad and as in people, she meant Jobe. He constantly had to reassure her saying, he was worth her time and yes, he wasn't. She kept it a secret from everyone, including her mom. Though it was something she disliked doing, she desperately wanted answers to all of the questions she has to offer.

She sighed and started preparing her Kill a Roach bag just in case he started getting defensive or anyone as a matter of fact. But what is in the Kill a Roach bag?

— Pepper Spray
— Mice Repellent
— Bug Spray

You know , just the simple essentials!

She packed all of her things, managed to do an exact replica of a sleeping position using her dinosaur plushie and other pillows. Her room was the closest to the gate so she opened her window and sneaked out, avoiding the cameras.

#𝐃𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄, jobe bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now