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" there's a million things
there's a million things I could say
but you never really knew that
but you never really knew I felt this way "

TRACK 013 :
in this darkness
— clara la san ⊹ ࣪

JOBE AND CAMELIA spent the whole day together. They planned to just take a romantic stroll around Manchester, spend the rest of the day in bed before Jobe had to leave to go back to Sunderland.

The two were falling for each other by the second. He didn't ask her to be his girlfriend yet. He had planned to do it today. Jobe realized that if he really wanted her, he had to prove it and he didn't want Camelia to leave like how she did the first time.

It was getting pretty late. The sun was setting to make room for the moon hidden inside the clouds. They were walking to their apartment until Camelia stumbled on a fair going on in the distance.

"Jobe look! A fair!" her eyes lit up, "Can we go, pretty pleaseee??"

She knew that the puppy eyes would trick him into saying yes.

"Hm. Anything for you."

She squealed, kissing him on the cheek, holding his hand tightly as the two crossed the road and onto the fair grounds.

The fair unfolded like a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and laughter, captivating all who entered its bustling realm. Stalls adorned with vibrant banners beckoned visitors to indulge in a sensory feast of sights and smells. The air carried the scent of cotton candy and popcorn, as the distant melody of a carousel's music intertwined with the delighted squeals of children.

What immediately caught Camelia's eye was the stall with jewelry laid all over the table. Jobe quickly regretted his decision.

The two walked away from the stall having purchased matching best friend necklaces, 2 matching bracelets and Camelia picked out these gorgeous earrings for Denise, Jobe's mother.

Jobe had been spoiling Camelia A LOT. But it was Camelia after all. He didn't mind it one bit. The two walked over to an empty, white bench with drinks and food in their hands. Jobe held the large cookies and cream milkshake they were to share while Camelia held the Chicken and Chips they were also sharing. The two sat next to each other, her head  on his shoulder.

So far, his plan was going right on track. He knew the fair was today. That's why he convinced her to get ready to go for a "walk ". Jobe was proud of his plan and how good it was going. What a mastermind.

"Okay so," she said, stuffing two chips in her mouth at the same time, "Which song do you prefer by Drake, Jaded or Headlines."

Jobe loved her rants, random outburst and yapping. It was what made him start to grow feelings for her. Before he could reply, a key part of his plan was in full effect.

"OMG! ARE YOU CAMELIA???" two teenage girls asked, eager for her answer.

"In the flesh!"
"AHHH!!!" the two girls screamed at each other, "Can we get a picture??"

The two girls surrounded Camelia while Jobe held one of their phone's taking multiple pictures.
"Thank you!" they both hugged her and ran away.

By the look on her eyes, you could tell how happy she was. Surprisingly, this was her first fan encounter so her happiness was over the roof. A profound sense of fulfillment and appreciation painted Camelia's expression, turning moments into memories etched with the warmth of collective support reminded her of the birthday post from Camelia's closet.

"Jobe. That made me so happy!"
"I can tell, lia. It's cute." he said smiling at the girl's smile. Now he just had one more thing to do.

"Also, I have to tell you something."
"Is everything okay, Jobe??"

"Yes. It's just that, these few days. Fuck these few months have been the best and most enjoyable times of my life and it was all because of you. You've done so much to me in such a short span of time. I know you forgave me for the ex incident but I still haven't forgotten about how much that had a toll on you. I was surprised when you even forgave me. I remember when we first met face to face.

When you met my mom, she kept on fussing about you and how much of an angel you are and I agreed. Camelia. I adore you. Everything you do. You never fail to amaze me every second. I love how your energy matches mine, I love how you always keep it one hundred, I love how much you look out for others even if it hurts you in the process.

I love the little things. I love how you play with your gold 'C' necklace everytime you get nervous, I love how you smile at small pleasures, I love that you give out the best hugs. I love how you run to me whenever something happens and how I do the same. Fucking hell it may be too early but I don't care. I love you. Camelia. After all of that, all I wanted to say was, Will you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?"

"You love me?"

"You dumbass I love you too."
"You didn't answer the question."

"Isn't it obvious, of course I'll be your girlfriend. A million times yes. Who would ever say no?"

At this time, they were sitting close together, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with love and desire. As their lips gently touch, a wave of emotions washes over them. It's a tender and passionate kiss, filled with warmth and affection. Time seems to slow down as they savor the connection between them. Their bodies leaned in closer, their hands found their way to each other's faces. The world around them fades away, and in that moment, it's just the two of them, lost in their own little universe of love and desire.

They eventually parted ways. Camelia smiled while Jobe looked as if he was desperate for more, biting his lip.

"I see that look on your face, J! My answer is no." Camelia said, swinging her legs forward to get up from the bench. She held the large milkshake and container of chicken and chips.

"UGHHH! Lia please?" he said with his interpretation of puppy eyes as he followed her like a lost puppy.

"Aw baby, I feel so bad you know.."

He held her hand causing her to stop and walk closer to him. Jobe delicately traced the contours of her waist with his fingertips while she rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Pretty please?"
"Hmm... no!" she said tapping on his nose before walking away.
"That was low key hot but CAMELIAAA!! he groaned

maiya's notes

double update 2/2

consider this a thank you for 7k reads and 70+ followers 💓🫶🏽 means a lot to me i appreciate it VERY MUCH

— hope you enjoyed xoxo
love you !!

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