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Sophie lay in a crumpled heap in her bed. Getting out of it seemed to be the hardest thing she'd done. And there was a good reason for that, too.

Fitz had run away.

But Sophie was going to stop him. She'd gotten Keefe and Tam back from the Neverseen. She could easily get Fitz back.

Then again, Tam was forced to join the Neverseen.

And Keefe was playing double agent.

But Fitz...

He'd gone on purpose.

Sophie buried herself deeper in her cozy comforter, replaying the scene from the night before.

Standing outside near the Panakes, he'd pulled out a yellow crystal, and begged Sophie to come with him. Sophie yelled at him that 'there was always a choice'.

Fitz disagreed. He thought the Neverseen had the right mindset. He'd already been told he'd be an ideal member of their order, so why not join them.

Sophie thought it had to be the stupidest thing he'd said, especially since he'd vowed to help the world, not destroy it.

He argued that everything requires a sacrifice, and Sophie should know that better than anyone.

Sophie had nearly passed out the second he glittered away, but Luna and Wynn stayed by her side until Sophie could breathe again. Edaline and Grady came out not long after, as soon as she had finally collapsed on the grass. They'd helped her to her bed and she hadn't left since, even though it was probably almost lunchtime.

Maybe if she hadn't yelled at him, he wouldn't have left. He would still be one of the good guys.

NO, Sophie scolded herself. He IS one of the good guys.

He must be playing double agent, just like Keefe was. That was the only logical solution. Sure, he'd nearly crossed lots of lines, like nearly killing Alvar, but he wasn't a bad guy.


"Sophie," a soft voice whispered. Sophie knew the voice, and she was perfectly content with ignoring it. But she couldn't hide forever, and she definitely didn't want the voice to bug her, so she pushed the sheets away from her and tried to detangle her hair with her fingers, sure she had a serious case of bedhead, as her friends all watched her in curiosity.

Biana seemed more fragile than ever, and Sophie was tempted to crawl back under her covers when their eyes met. But luckily Keefe came over and sat next to Sophie, gripping her hand and sending calming breezes.

"Hi guys," Sophie faked a smile that hopefully looked convincing. "Do you need something?"

"Where's Fitz?" Biana asked, clearly cutting to the chase. The question made Sophie squirm, and Keefe sent another breeze, but it didn't help much.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't keep hiding stuff from me," Biana snapped.

Sophie tugged out an eyelash and squeezed Keefe's hand for support, and started, "Fitz came over to see me last night-"

"Why?" Dex asked, always quick with questions.

"I'm getting to it," Sophie grumbled, tugging out another eyelash.

"Wow, it must be really bad," Linh remarked.

"It is, I just haven't finished explain-"

"Why was he at your house?" Biana questioned.

KOTLC - The Traitor's Wrath - by VioletHamsterWhere stories live. Discover now