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Eleanora stood outside her friend's house between her Dad and Brother. They all dressed up in some of their nicest clothes. Well nice for Joseph involving a hat. The three stood with collective nerves, this was the first meal they were attending since their parents divorce, meaning while everyone had their full families, for Lennie it was only half . Not that she complained, As she rarely got on with her older siblings and her mother was too much of a hypocrite which usually ruined any fancy dinners. The trio must of been stood outside the house for a long while. Due to the fact Lennie felt her shin give way, looking behind her to see the two youngest Hewson brothers giggling at the olders actions. Lennie scowled at Eli causing him to laugh harder at her face.

"The door interesting John" Ali, Eli's mother asked With a chuckle pulling her Dad into a hug. "Long time no see"

Her Dad smiled at the woman before doing some odd high five with Bono.

"Where are your other two" Her Dad asked pointing towards the the youngest Hewson children

"There too busy for us now mate" Bono laughed with a smile "our young Eli be will gone next" he said patting his shoulder causing Eli to go red at the attention.

"I thought Len would be gone by now! But sadly not" he said pulling the shorter girl under his arm.

"Well John, John here surely wouldn't be leaving us any time soon, he's not even 18 yet" he exclaimed talking about the son he named after his former band mate and best friend.

"Either is our Joseph" Joseph smiled awkwardly at the family he had never met.  "Turns 18 on may 29th"

"Our John is may 21st" Bono replied with a laugh.

"Okay Dad wrap it up Avis has been stood at the door for five minutes" Lennie interrupted awkwardly causing Elijah to laugh from behind her.

The group of seven walked into the Kelly household all individually greeting the four different members.

"Take a seat everybody!" Grace Kelly, Avis' mum told everyone standing int he dining room doorway with an apron on. "Dinner will be served soon."

The adults quickly shuffled to one end of the table, leaving their kids to fight over seats. A foolish idea from the older adults.

"I don't want to sit next to Joseph!"

"John leave me alone!"


Leaving 3 20 year olds and 3 17 year olds to fight over seats was never a good idea. Although the adults where also struggling on seats as there was 5 of them and the three men wanted to sit perfectly that they could talk but also wanted to allow their wives to talk to one another. The mayhem was interrupted by a disappointed Grace Kelly who couldn't believe nobody could seat themselves.

"Do I need to make name plates next time?" She groaned walking into the dining room. " John sit on the end."

The two John's stared at each other with confused looks, it was obvious which John was meant but it was funny to just then two.

"Big John, then me and Patrick will sit this side, and you two opposite" she said pointing at the Hewson parents. "Robyn you go next to me, then Avis then Eleanora. Elijah opposite her, your brother next to you, and Joseph's next to him" The Kelly woman clapped at her seating before walking back into the kitchen leaving the large group to take their seats.

Lennie and Avis jumped into conversation, as well as the 3 younger siblings leaving Eli intently looking around the room silently. He looked at the walls and how they were painted a smoky grey, and the floor was a white wood. A long elegant glass table was placed in the centre and was surrounded by 12 blush pink seats. It was something only the Kelly family would have a dining room like. Not that he was judging .

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