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On the 1st of August Lennie got an invite to Eli's 21st birthday, the girl really wanted to go so she could see all her friends, but Oliver had informed her of some family dinner that has apparently been planned for ages, meaning she had to deny the invitation.


Avis had informed Elijah about Lennie not being able to come, he believed it was his own fault at first but decided not to let her ruin his birthday. He would party, with all his friends and drink away all his thoughts about her.

So he did it.

Music blared in his ears as he stood wobbling with his closest friends, all as drunk as each other. All his friends where sat in their respected couples, not they Elijah noticed as his mind was so hazy from the alcohol, but the group was reminiscing on memories, new and old as not everyone had known each other for long.

"a-and she went to throw it and slipped on her arse" Lottie said with a hiccup "She decided from that day she was never going bowling again and i've never seen her near a bowling alley since" She smiled at the group reminiscing

"a stubborn one is our Lennie" Lou butted in with a giggle, leaning her head in Josh's shoulder.

Eli frowned as he listened to his friends talk about Lennie. He missed her, more than he should. After all it was his fault she left, he shouldn't be allowed to be sad for her not being here when he was the one that ran her out the country. he slouched back in his chair listening to his friends while just thinking about how she could of been here with him, next to him laughing loudly with the sparkle in her eyes that she always had when she was around her friends, but instead the seat next to him was cold. Stone cold.

"You alright Eli?"

He looked up from the chair next to him at the sound of his best friend, Ryan looked at him with an odd face to say the least, he was as concerned as you could be for an extremely intoxicated person.

"yeah, it's my birthday why wouldn't i be?"

"your looking at that chair as if somebody should be sat in it" he replied only to be elbowed by Lottie "oh shit never mind ignore me" Ryan quickly spoke turning his back to get back into the conversation, leaving a sad Eli to ponder in his thoughts.

He should call her.


Lennie stared at her phone, her instagram was full of little clips and photos of her friends all partying together, while Lennie was sat at home because there wasn't a dinner she had to attend or whatever, she was lied to. Which left her staring at Avis' story. It was a photo of the four boys together, they where holding Eli as he laid across them with his eyes closed and a lazy smile on his face. Bobby held his head while leaning over him and pretending to give him a kiss on the cheek, Josh's stood in the middle with a huge smile on his face while Ryan stood on the end with a look of struggle on his face to top it off the three lads holding him had birthday hats on while Eli seemed to have a sachet on that said birthday boy. She looked at the photo and couldn't help but think how they were 'her boys'.

With a sigh she shut off her phone thinking maybe she should message the birthday boy when he was sober, or maybe even ring him, unblocking him wouldn't hurt. After all they were friends first.

Lennie sighed picking up her glass of wine from the table swooshing it around before taking a big gulp of it, she could faintly here the last song of her queen record playing on the record player as it began to get quiet she closed her eyes in frustration, regretting her choices from the past month, leaving her friends, moving to London and believing Oliver.

She was quickly interrupted by the buzzing of her phone, picking it up to see Eli ringing, remembering she unblocked him to remember to message him. The alcohol quickly rushed to her head as she answered the phone.

"eli" she questioned noticing the faint noise of music as well as the distant noise iof cars driving boy.

"el" he breathed out. "you answered"

"of course" the call went silent the pair shocked they are talking to one another "happy birthday elijah"

"that was yesterday Len" he chuckled after noticing the time on his watch. 12:01

"i missed your 21st birthday" She sighed re-picking the wine up from the table in front of her.

"it's fine you were busy, i didn't expect you to drop your plans"

"i wasn't busy, i got lied to but i can't change that now"


the call fell silent, Lennie sat and listened to his breathing as he seemed to do whatever he was doing.

"i hate small talk" Lennie spoke up, Eli hummed in response just listening to her speak, the door behind Eli opened to reveal his friend stood leaning in the door to support him.

"Cake cake cake cake" Lennie identified the voice as Robert, he was obviously plastered as she could hear the slur in his voice, the pair murmured to each other lots of incoherent words.

"i'll let you go Eli" she whispered not wanting to hang up the phone

"yeah" eli paused "i'm sorry Lennie"

"it's okay Eli, bye"

"bye Lennie" he hung up the phone and leaned his head on the wall behind him, her doing the same but leaning her head backwards on her sofa.

what had they done?


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