Slutty Star

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The group of four had then decided to impulsively get tattoos. Not before stopping off at Josh's so Eleanora could get her bags and change into some clean clothing.

But the two male 21 year olds and their two female 20 year old companions where on route to a tattoo parlour that Robert had recommended.

"i'm a bit nervous now actually" Lennie mumbled as she approached the gloomy looking building "the buildings literally got no lights on and is covered in skulls"

"Don't be hypocritical Lennie" Lottie replied with an arm on her shoulder.

"you're not even getting a tattoo!" Lennie squeaked her hands shaking as she followed quickly behind Eli.

The four walked into the tattoo parlour, it was decorated with lots of neon lights and tattoo designs, most of them including variants of flowers making the interior contrast the exterior greatly.

"Hi how can i help" a man in his early twenties greeted.

"we are here for some tattoos" Eli spoke calmly gesturing between himself, Ryan and Eleanora.

"of course! come through i'll get you started right away"

Everyone began to follow the man apart from Lennie who stood glued to her place questioning what she had gotten herself into. She took a deep breath and rushed after her friends.

"so who's going first"




The tattooist stood with his lips in a thin line looking at the three nervous people.

"well if we pick what we are having and go easiest to hardest.

"i want a star!"
"im thinking a star"

Eli and Lennie spoke at the same time causing them to look at each other.

"Eli i said it first"

"fuck off no you didn't"

The pair argued about the star for atleast five minutes, and by then time they had stopped Ryan was laying on the bed with his arm twisted.

"he's brave" Lennie murmured watching as the man took the needle to his arm.

They all watched as words where wrote on his arm, all arguing in what they thought it would be, all of them being very far off.

"is it Charlotte Holmes is beautiful"

Ryan shook his head at his girlfriend turning his arm to show his friends revealing the tattoo which read 'it won't always be like this'

"aww you love our band" Eli said with a chuckle

"of course, you're all my brothers" Ryan told Eli with a genuine smile.

"aww sweet but i'm not Josh and she's not Rob so make this sentimental when you all get weird later" Lottie spoke putting a hand on both of their shoulders.

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