🌈 Chapter 12 ~ Personalitys 🌈

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Now onto the story..

Walden's Pov:

Once the light cleared we saw.. Multiple Y/N's?! All different colours! There was a red one, Blue one, Pink one, purple one, grey one, yellow one and green one! The Purple one, Looked extremely scared "I don't like it here!!" It would whine cowardly before hiding behind Poppy. The blue one would burst into tears balling it's eyes out "WAHHHAHH!" It would cry before randomly hugging Julie, Julie would awkwardly pat it on the back as it cried into her shoulder.

The yellow one was practically bouncing around, "oh my god oh my god!! I can't believe I'm out here! I can't wait to explore yippee!!" It would yell before dashing out the break room into the factory, The green one would look around awkwardly at all the versions of its self "I guess this is kind of awkward.. But it's nice finally being out of the brain!" It would joyfully say as It walks out happily of the break room following the yellow one.

The Pink one would lustfully look up at me, "Well hello there handsome~" it would say before grabbing me by the face and kiss me on the cheek before letting me go and also walking out, Sally would look at me and how red I was and laugh, "oohh!! You like the pink one!" She laughs, "Sally shut the fuck up.." I mumble as I rub my cheek smudging the lipstick it left on my face. The red one would look around at everyone, Barnaby would whisper to Howdy, ' what are all these things?.. ' that caught the attention of the red one.

They stomp up to Barnaby, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?! THINGS?! I'LL SHOW YOU THINGS YOU FUCKING OBESE DOG!" It would yell before slapping Barnaby across the face hard leaving a mark before storming out the room. The grey one would look at all the commotion before sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall "This is boring.." It would yawn before taking a nap.

Sally's Pov:

I look towards the perfectly proportioned shattered crystal and pick them up, "Sally leave them!" Howdy would say, "Sally give them to me! Your probably going to shatter them!" Walden would yell as he tried to steal them from me. "No fair! I can hold them!" I yell back as we both squabble over the shattered crystal parts. As one slips from my arms and hits the grey one in the head. The grey Y/N would glow white before disappearing and the crystal part would glow Grey.

Me and Walden would look at the shattered crystal then each other, "Okay Julie and Howdy take a piece of crystal then go after the Pink Y/N" Walden would say and hand them a piece of the crystal, "Frank and Eddie you go after the yellow Y/N" He would hand them a crystal piece, "Barnaby you go after the green Y/N" He would hand them a crystal piece, "And I don't think we have to bother with Purple and Blue" He would say before tapping the Blue one with one of the crystals, Sucking Blue Y/N into the crystal, Making it glow blue.

Then he would tap the purple Y/N with another shattered crystal part also sucking the purple one up, Making it glow purple, He would tuck the grey, Purple and Blue crystals into his left pocket. "So that means me and you are going after the red one?" I say and bat my eyelashes, I laugh "This is gonna be fun!" I yell before grabbing Walden's wrist and dragging him out the break room and everyone follows us out. As we all got out we heard a crash, down the hall from the Grinder room, "WOO HOO!" We all heard the Yellow Y/N shout, "Frank, Eddie! Go after Yellow Y/N and dont let them kill themselves!" Walden's voice would boom, as they ran off.

The rest of us that were still here heard Walden's Radio go off, "Boss I'm just at my office doing my work!" We hear the green Y/N say before turning off their Radio. "You heard them Barnaby! To their office!" Wally would shout Barnaby would scramble to the elevator.
We heard even more crashing from the Gym, "Oopsie daisy~" we hear the Pink Y/N say, "Julie, Howdy! Get to the gym and make sure the pink Y/N doesn't crush themself!" Wally would demand.

Julie and Howdy would run off to the gym. It was just me and Wally left, We hear alot of screaming and banging from the third floor then suddenly a table comes crashing down from the ceiling just missing me and Wally, We look up the big hole in the room and see it keeps going until the third floor, We could see the red Y/N peak over the ledge of the hole then continue screaming and destroying the third floor.

Me and Wally run to the stairwell and start going up it to the third floor because Barnaby was already taking the elevator.

(A/N: Omg I kept forgetting who was getting what colour, help- 💀
Words: 890)

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