Chapter 2

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Soon enough we're on the bus, and have already encountered a problem. Where are Avery and I going to sleep?

Jaime is the first one to suggest an idea. "Well, Avery can sleep with me if she wants to." he winks, which makes Avery laugh. Vic raises one eyebrow skeptically.

"Jaime, just sleep with Tony for a few nights until we figure things out. The girls can just share Jaime's bed."

Tony glares at Vic. "Duuddeee not fair..." he complains, looking over at Jaime. Avery and I laugh.

"What are we gonna sleep in?" I ask. Mike smirks.

"Sleep naked." he says. Jaime nods.

"I'm good with that." he agrees, taking a chance to check out Avery and I. Avery glares at him.

"Um... fuck you guys." she says. Tony laughs.

"Be calm, be calm. Just wear Jaime and Vic's shirts or something." he suggests.

"Why us?" Jaime asks. Tony gives him a look before responding.

"Because the girls are yours?" he replies. Jaime nods.

"Oh yeah. Okay, Avery, this way please..." he says, pulling Avery behind the curtain that hides the bunks. Vic looks at me.

"Here, Jai-"

Mike cuts him off. "Ooh. Jai. Not Mexican at all. Kind of French-sounding. Mom will love that." he comments. I laugh and Vic smiles despite himself.

He leads me to a suitcase that has his clothes in it and pulls out a bit t-shirt with a sombrero on it. I hold it up to get a better look at it.

"You are so Mexican." I smirk, which makes Vic laugh. Avery walks in with Jaime's shirt in her hand.

"Come change with me if you have the shirt." she says, smiling. She obviously knows she ruined a moment.

"Okay." I agree. We find a bathroom and change into the shirts, which go to about mid-thigh.

"This is fucking surreal." she says, looking at me. I nod.

"Ohmigod I know... we're wearing their shirts right now, Avery." I say.

She laughs and we go back to the bunk area to find Tony and Jaime in one of the top bunks together, laughing about something; Mike in one of the bottom bunks on his iPhone, without a shirt and his blanket covering his lower half. Vic is in the other top bunk, leaning against a wall, without a shirt. Actually, none of them are wearing shirts. Typical guys.

Apparently Jaime had a bottom bunk, which we climb into, laying down and pulling the blankets up to under our boobs. I take out my iPhone and text my mom to tell her about the tour. She texts back five minutes later, saying,

'You're 18 so I can't control you, but please be careful? They're a punk band, just be careful. Be safe. I love you.'

Avery's dad gets mad and yells in a text, which she quickly deletes. Mike looks over at me, and our eyes meet. He holds our gaze and flashes his eyes up to Vic's bunk, then back to me a puts a quizzical face on. I smile a little and shrug. He smiles a little and nods faintly.

Maybe Mike isn't that bad.

He looks at my phone and puts his open palm out. I hand him my phone. He does something, then hands it back. There's an open conversation in messages that has the title of Mike Fuentes, where he sent himself a message saying 'You're the sexiest Mexican alive.' I giggle. He texts me.

Mike: So you like Vic?

Me: Yea, I have since I was like 13 but he's everything I'd imagined he'd be.

Mike: He really likes you

Me: How do you know?

Mike: I can tell. He's my brother. Oh and he told Tony and me.

Me: Lol... :) eheheheh yay

Mike: Go to sleep now, kid.

Me: Fuck off Mike

Mike: I like you! Lol

Me: Night!

"GOOD NIGHT JAI!" Mike says out loud. I smile at the ceiling.

"Night ladiessss..." Jaime calls. Avery laughs.

"Night Jaime!" we both reply at the same time.

"Night everyone..." Tony calls.

"Night." Mike says.

"Night." I say back.

"Good night." Avery says.

"Night Jai." Vic says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Night Vic." I reply, smiling again.

Avery and I whisper,

"Night bear." I say.

"Night hazz."

"Night fucker."

"Night slut." she replies.

"Did someone just say my name?" Mike asks. We all laugh. I turn over and close my eyes. Everyone falls asleep before me. I keep smiling and I can't sleep when I'm smiling this much. All of a sudden something hits my arm.

"What the hell..." I whisper. It's Vic.

"Jai!" he says quietly.

"Vic...?" I ask.

"You awake?" he replies with a question.

"Obviously..." I laugh.

"I can't sleep tonight." Vic says.

"Me neither." I reply. There's a long silence filled with Tony's snores.

"Do you wanna come up here?" Vic asks. I pause.

"Yeah..." I reply, slowly getting up. I climb the ladder and he's already made room for me, so I lay down. 

Next to fucking Vic Fuentes. Who invited me up into his bed. Holy shit. Okay. We are NOT having sex tonight. There are way too many people here. And we just met today. I've been thinking and maintaining an awkward silence. He reaches and pulls the blanket up so our legs are covered.

"Are you scared?" Vic whispers.

"Of what?" I ask.

"You don't know any of us. What if we're terrible people and try to rape you all the time?" Vic replies.

"... Are you trying to tell me something, Vic?" I ask, smiling. He laughs quietly. This whole conversation is whispers.

"Are you scared, though? At al?" he asks. I shrug.

"Not really."

"Why not?" he asks. I pause for a moment.

"I feel like you wouldn't let bad things happen to me." I reply. Things are quiet for a few seconds. Then his fingers find mine and he takes me hand in his before kissing my shoulder.

"No, I wouldn't let anything happen to you." he says.

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