Unforgettable memories

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First of all, the beginning of this chapter is important for the content of the story, so I expect you to read it from beginning to end. As can be understood from the name of the story, we are proceeding with a different approach on a subject about understanding love.

Anyway, without further ado, I wish you all a happy new year and happy reading.

Caera Denoir

I was being pulled into pure darkness, I couldn't feel my body, I couldn't speak. I was just floating in an uncertain environment, as if I was isolated from this life. I tried relentlessly to panic, but it was impossible.

The bright light coming from the horizon began to warm my body like a sun as I retreated into the darkness. I didn't know whether I should take advantage of this moment or feel sad. The warmth of the light filled me with an intoxicating sense of peace. Maybe this was not an end, but a new beginning.

As the light got bigger and bigger, I felt like I was diving towards it. Then I felt a peaceful wave of warmth inside me. My eyes were closed, but the striking breeze of the wind from nature was hitting my skin. In a word, it meant that I felt alive and free from the frightening environment just now.

I slowly squinted my eyes open. The sun was shining overhead at noon. The sky was deep blue, clouds were dancing freely. Lying among the grass, I felt lost in the mysterious beauty of nature.

I lifted my body slightly off the ground to see where I was. I turned my head in both directions and observed my surroundings. I fell into a peaceful sleep with the swing set up on the branch of a tree next to me. Immediately behind it, a space with a few rooms that I could call home welcomed me.

The gentle breeze of the swing between the branches of the tree felt like a soft touch on the grass. The colors of the rainbow, a river appearing behind the distant hills and a peaceful atmosphere... Everything looked like a dream.

Or an illusion of reality, I thought. Looking at my hands, they were small and smooth, without the slightest signs. Curious about what I looked like, I walked towards the river. When they saw me, a few fish panicked and ran away, which caused the rhythm of the water to change. After some fluctuation, I was finally able to take care of myself.

My midnight blue hair and my ruby eyes, which were brighter than before, fascinated me. But the thing that surprised me the most was that my horns were missing. It made me feel like I remembered this moment from somewhere. I slowly looked around me, determined to discover my past within this mysterious and beautiful world. I felt ready to take steps to find the truth behind this extraordinary moment.

But an angry voice behind me made me turn around immediately. "Where are you trying to take him please... He just turned 8," she said. The woman with midnight blue hair just like mine began to object to the angry man in front of her.

However, the man wrinkled his nose and looked at the woman. He had a lion's mane of red hair and deep black eyes that could absorb even the sun.

"We are just following the orders from above, don't make our job difficult," he said, looking at the man behind the woman, she was arguing with the other officers, there was no need to say that he was her husband, because he was, and he also had bright ruby eyes like mine.

The air felt like a stretched spring

"As you know, the Supreme Sovereign has a law to recruit potential candidates who tend to awaken the blood of Vritra, and according to the declaration we received, the person named Caera fits that pattern," the man said. His intense eyes were watching me right next to the river.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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