VIII 🩰 Percy Ruins Paradise

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chapter VIII

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chapter VIII

🌷 Daphne awoke from her dream with a start, her mind racing with more questions than she'd had before. She winced at the heat of the truck, feeling her hair making her back sweat. Then, she noticed something - the plait in her hair that Aphrodite had done had stayed in tact. Somehow, she was wearing one of the ribbons that the goddess had in her own hair.

Grover was shaking her shoulder, leaving no time to ponder the love goddess' gift. "The truck's stopped," he whispered. We think they're coming to check on the animals."

"Are we there yet?" Daphne asked groggily, pushing herself up. Her back and legs were killing her - the lumpy turnips weren't as comfortable as she thought.

"Hide!" Annabeth hissed. Easy for her to say. She just slipped on her magic cap and disappeared. Grover, Percy and Daphne had to dive behind feed sacks and hope they looked enough like turnips. The trailer doors creaked open and sunlight and heat poured in.

"Man!" one of the truckers said, waving his hand in front of his ugly nose. "I wish I hauled appliances."

He climbed inside and poured some water from a jug into the animals' dishes.

"You hot, big boy?" he asked the lion, then splashed the rest of the bucket right in the lion's face. The lion roared in indignation.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the man rolled his dirty eyes.

Next to her under the turnip sacks, Grover tensed. For a peace-loving herbivore, he looked downright murderous. Percy looked at him and Daphne in a new sense of fear; he'd never seen her so angry. Suddenly he could picture her taking on the pack of hellhounds, something which seemed unimaginable before.

The trucker threw the antelope a squashed-looking Happy Meal bag. He smirked at the zebra. "How ya doin', Stripes? Least we'll be getting rid of you this stop. You like magic shows? You're gonna love this one. They're gonna saw you in half!"

There was a loud knock, knock, knock on the side of the trailer.

The trucker inside with them yelled, "What do you want, Eddie?" Daphne was starting to get really uncomfortable under the weight of the turnips.

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