a strawberry-banana smoothie.

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Len gripped the plastic cup as hard as he could, running over to the redhead he saw in the distance who sat on a bench in the far corner of the park.

They were going on a date.

Len, as usual, was running late.


The redhead turned.

"Oh, Len, I thought you weren't going to show up!"

"I'm really sorry. I wanted to get us a smoothie but their machine broke."

"That's.. so sweet. Gimme some."

"Take it. I ran so fast I couldn't even try it for you."

Fukase took the straw from the side of the cup and popped it through the plastic top, sipping on the drink.

"Mmm. It's good."

"I bet it is."

"Do you want your share?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"


Instead of giving Len the drink, though, he put it down on the side. Len was confused for a second when he could taste the smoothie, and went as red as a beet when he realised what was happening.

Fukase was kissing him.

And he couldn't help but be a gay mess.

If Rin saw this one, she would kill him. Kagamine Len would be found dead for being a gayass.

The kiss broke off.

"So, did you like it?"

"I... Uh.."

"Of course you did. I wanted to get revenge from when this happened last time."

"I was excited, okay?! You also had feelings and I just thought.."

"It was amazing, okay? This is why we have smoothies on almost every date."

"Rin thinks we're the purest couple there is."

"With cuddles, yes. With kisses, maybe not."

"I'm honestly surprised it's been half a year already."

"It's been that long, and you still get flustered."

"Shut up! I'll have you know that I aspire to be the most annoying partner there is in the future!"

"And how will you do that, bunny?"

"I'll be.. Really gay! Okay? I'll tell everyone about how cool you are and hype you up until everyone knows who you are without having met you!"

"Len. We're vocaloids. That's the point."



"Fucking gimme it."

"Fine, fine."

"I'm so glad I'm taller than you."

"I'm heartbroken."

"And I'm gay."

"Me too, honey! Me too!"

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