guess the kagamine!

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Fukase was suspicious of Rin.

She had, as usual, sent him an ominous text, but this one was different. It had an image attached.
"hehee, gayboy! come to kagamine residence now. me an ur very very gay bf are waiting 4 u 2 get ur ass here for the guessing game >_<"
The image was not even worth looking at, because it was the usual blurry shot of a panicked Len running at the camera (Fukase saved the image to his gallery of Lens anyway).
As much as Fukase hated Rin's usual antics, he still was very willing to see Len. He, being a lovely boyfriend, rarely joined Rin in her ploys, but today was clearly an exception.

There were two Rins when he arrived.

Well, there was a Rin and a Len, but both were dressed in the exact same way, bow and all.
Most people would usually laugh at Fukase's inability to tell them apart, then fail when trying themselves.

Here's the thing.
Rin and Len are clones. Yes, they call each other twins (they basically are) and yes, Rin is still older (she was first).
This fact alone makes it nearly impossible to tell which is which when they wear the same things.

Len is also fine with crossdressing. He won't do it in public, but he occasionally steals clothes from Rin as revenge for her taking his, meaning that walking around in them in the house is kind of normal.

And lastly, the voices. Oh god, the voices.
Rin and Len can perfectly impersonate each other in such a way that it's scary, and both do stupid impressions of politicians and drunk Meikos, so no matter what, it's impossible to know who is who.

Fukase did not want to risk anything, but unfortunately for him, that meant cooking dinner with one obnoxious Rin and one bribed Len, who was also being an obnoxious annoyance.
He barely survived ten minutes.
Len dropped his disguise to stop Fukase from accidentally dunking his (already burnt) hand in a pot of boiling water like an idiot, and the actual Rin cussed the duo out for being "too gay" when Fukase tackled a very red Len to the wall to ask what had bribed him this time.

It was a crate of bananas and the promise of a date being paid for.

Fukase was quite obviously happy about the date, but apparently, there was a catch.

Two Lens were going with him.

He wanted to cry.

There were two of his boyfriend and both were incredibly cute, the problem being that he could only kiss one of them, and he didn't know which one.

The guessing game had begun.

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