positive vs negative.

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based on the song in the header (positive club vs negative club) by jesusp from the band wanopo!!  i love jesus' music so much she is a legend


Before today, everything was fine between the Positive Club and the Negative Club.
Today, though, the vice president of the Positive Club, Kagamine Len, decided to turn up to one of the Negative Club's meetings to flirt with Fukase Satoshi, one of the members.
Unfortunately for Fukase, positive guys always win.

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Fukase was in his own personal hell.

Len Kagamine had come to the Negative Club. With anyone else, that would not be a problem, but this was Len. President of the Positive Club.

Not only was this guy the (super annoying) younger brother of Kagamine Rin, who was the vice president of the Negative Club, but he was also known as the most optimistic guy on the planet.

Said optimistic guy was also trying to flirt with him. Fukase would ignore this, but Len had turned to using the cringy pick up lines, which were almost impossible to ignore from how much they hurt.

Even Rin had told him to shut up, and she's a professional when it comes to ignoring Len.

It had come to the point that the Tuesday Negative Club meetings had been dubbed as 'Len's Rizz Watching Club' . Rin had (literally) kicked him out of the room more times than Fukase could count, but the persistent little shit never backs down. He'd even gotten several teachers to sign his Negative application! They didn't even get a chance to deny it!

Even as Len got dragged out of the clubroom, the boy continued to shoot his constant smile in Fukase's direction, waving goodbye as if he'd be back.

Rin locked the door to outside and resumed her Negative presentation.

Not even five minutes passed, and Len was back to his scheduled Tuesday flirting. How, you ask? He managed to climb up to the window and hop into the clubroom. Pretty crafty, if you think about it normally. Crazy, if you consider that the room is on the third floor.

Rin couldn't even be asked to get Len out this time, having accepted today's fate. She swapped presentations to Sarcasm Bingo, telling Len to at least stay quiet. Before going back to her presentation, she quietly told Fukase that he was screwed.

With a giggle, Len sat opposite Fukase.

"Hey, Fukase?"


"Are your eyes an IKEA? 'Cause I'm getting lost in them."

"...I hate you."

"Oh, Fuu! You hurt me! I'm not good at holding conversations according to you, but can I hold your hand instead?"

"No, you idiot."

"I could've sworn we had chemistry! We're in the same class!"

"Stop it."

"I'm not currently an organ donor, but I'd love to give you my heart, you know? It's free! Come onnn!"

"Len, really. Stop."

"Oh, come on please! You know what? I'll leave you alone if you come to Positive Club! Once!"

"No. God, no. I don't know what you do in that lame club, but it's got you in it. And, newsflash, I don't like you."

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