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7 years ago

I  cover my ears as i hear the voices of the landlord ,his deep voice could probably be heard from the neighbors house too ,he was tall man that always looked like he ate  a ton of really sour lemons since he always looked so angry,he was reminding my parents about the bills and multiple Depts they had to pay off or else they would get evicted.

My family wasn't the richest ,we were struggling to pay off the multiple Dept's we had,that were left by my dads brother after he died last year and I didn't think we would be able to pay it fully soon enough because my parents weren't in the best financial state ,my mom was a waitress in a small diner and my father was a gardener  ,they had small salaries that wouldn't pay off the depts especially with all the expenses.

My parents tried to hide all their problems from me by telling me it was going to be okay and all this would pass soon,but although I was ten years old ,I knew what was happening, I knew that they were struggling to pay off all those depts and that each day they just got more stresses to endure but still,they managed to come home and act like everything was okay .

I always admired my parents for that ,they are strong people who always managed to come home with a smile on their faces ,a smile that his all their worries and problems from their kids.

I glance at my brother Daniel, He was only six years old ,I had put him to sleep before the landlord came ,so at least he doesn't have to listen to all the harsh words he was saying to my parents.

I stand up and sit beside his head, caressing his hair so he doesn't wake up because of the noise.I've always tried to hide everything from Daniel ,I didn't want him to get scared at least for now ,I didn't know for sure if he knew what was happening but I still tried to hide everything like how my parents tried to hide their problems from us.

I didn't want Daniel to get teased at school like I was at school, It wasn't like I told them about my family problems ,they teased me because I  didn't have the newest accessories or in shorter words they bullied me because my family didn't have as much money as the kids in my school had and for being an outcast with no friends.

There were days when the teasing went to far and I would get hit at school by those kids, It would happen if I answered back to them or responded to their teasing with the same manner they talked to me.

I didn't get why they treated me as inferior simply because of my family's finanancial status,but eventually I got used to it and I would go home with a smile and acted indifferent just like my parents did.

I sat there as tears began sliding down through my cheeks

I sobbed quietly.

I might have acted like everything was okay.

But it wasn't.


January 11th 2016

Days had passed and the screams just got louder ,the bullying at school became worser and my parents became more stressed.

And each day I just became more miserable.

But my life wasn't completely awful, because in the midst of everything that was happening ,I had my family.

Despite everything that was happening we were still a happy family that loved each other deeply.

Despite all our worries ,we would still be able to sit down and  have dinner together every night because we had one moment to forget everything all he worries and traumas and just enjoy the moment we had with each other.

I would help my mother prepare the meal mom would prepare a delicious meal

We had each other

And that was enough for me.

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