Bathroom discussion

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I was screwed I was layed on the floor in an embarasing position and i spilled the cleaning Water on Matteo ,now I'm definately getting fired no I can't get fired I'm helping my parents with the depts and we are almost done paying I can't afford to loose this job my parents will be so disappointed

I was expecting to get fired on the spot but Carlos just burst into laughter showing his beutiful smile

My idmiring was interrupted when  Fernando started laughing too and Carlos said something in Italian that I didn't understand and Matteo started laughing too

I looked at them like they had two heads but for the sake of my job i started laughing too even though i didn't find anything about this situatuation funny but rather scary

I sitted on the floor laughing like a person that ran away from the mental assylum aftersplasing water on Matteo I really hope I don't loose my job

Should I stand up?

Their laugh eventually dies and I stop laughing too

I'm standing up

I stand up and bow my head hoping that I don't get fired for throwing water at Matteo and that I just get to walk away but obviously nothing ever works how I plan

Matteo looks at me but he doesn't have an angry face "You're Italian?"

Thank god he's not talking to me in Italian "No sir I'm not italian please forgive me , im really sorry Mr Matteo for what just happened"

I glance up at him and quickly look back down when i realize that his eyes were on me ,I then grab the supplies from the floor and walk as fast as possible feeling his eyes on me almost tripping on the stairs but luckily i didn't and saved myself from another embarrasing scene infront of  Carlos


I woke up the next day and did my usual routine and walked to school however when I reached there I looked everywhere but I couldn't find Fedrick

Eventually the bell rang and I had to go to class

When I walked in the class Carlos was already there but no one really paid attention when I came in I mean its early morning everyone was tired so I took my seat

The teacher wasn't here yet and i came really early to school to school today and i was still tired so I evetually fell asleep

I opened my eyes and Sabrina was waving her hands in front of my face

"What's going on" I ask lifting my head up with a confused face

"Its break time let's go to the cafeteria" she says with a big grin on her face

I rub my eyes and stand up smiling at her back "Okay let's go...uh isn't Vanessa coming"

"She texted me saying she's already there and we should find her there"

I nod and we get out of the class and begin walking to the cafeteria ,as we walk through the hallway my eyes land on Carlos he stood there next to his locker holding his blazer on his left hand his tie was a bit loosened but he still looked so majestic Bella was next to him saying something but he wasn't paying much attention to it instead he was staring at something on his phone

My staring was interrupted by Sabrina nudging me "Don't make it too obvious Bella might catch you staring at Carlos"

"Is Carlos dating her?"

"No but they dated before and Bella won't leave the boy alone she keeps following him around and they are friends I think"

Oh no how will I get closer to Carlos if Bella is around him all the time and     I'm not even competition to her

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