The plan

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After stage one it was time for stage two.

After doing all my duties it was  it was finally afternoon and I knew very well that was the time when Carlos would play soccer so I hid behind the bush and waited for him to arrive .After almost an hour I heard footsteps and peeked from the bush, when I saw that it was him I stood up and started  sweeping the floor

Carlos took one of the balls from the basket full of balls and placed it on the grass ,I watched as  he kicked the ball and blasted it scoring perfectly on the pale.

He did a few tricks with the soccer ball and I just stood behind the bush with a broom on my hand.He didn't even notice that I was standing there watching him like a creepy stalker

Wait am I a stalker?

I watched all his moves and started getting closer and when he shoot the ball I threw my body ,not only did the ball hit me really hard on my head but my body also landed on the hard ground


I wasn't expecting it to be this painful   I hold my knee like I got hurt there"Owwww!,why did you do that"

He looks at me with an unamused face

"Are you just going to stare at me with that look ,help me up!" I extend my hand for him to help me help me get up but he walks to my direction and instead of helping me up he just grabs  his ball

I  look at him in disbelief "hey! help me up you hit me with your ball on my head don't you think it hu-"

I'm about to finish my sentence when he cuts me off "I literally saw you throwing yourself so the ball can hit you and stop yelling you're talking too much for just an empregada"

I stand up and look up at him angrily "what did you just say"

"You heard me very well your just  maid  so go back to cleaning" I watch as his  perfect long fingers slide to his pocket and takes out a lighter and a cigarette

I look at him with my mouth opened as he walks away with the cigarette in his mouth as he takes it out and walks away with one hand on his pocket

Why is him litteraly doing anything hot


After we were all done with our duties dad was waiting for us in the car and my mom got in the car

"Hi honey" my mom greets

"Hi sweetheart,how was work"

"Exhausting as usual cleaning huge rooms is not easy ,and how was work for you" Mom turns to dad

"As usual just taking care of plants and the grass you know ,and what about you princess how was your day"

I lay down on the backseat "Exhausting school and work I have a headache"

My mom and dad start laughing

"And how is school going kailane"my mom turns her head to look at me

"I'm still getting used"

"And what about your grades"

I was hoping mom wouldn't ask that question

No mom I'm barely focusing and I'll probably fail if I don't improve

"Kailane I asked you a question"

"Oh uhm sorry mom ugh my grades are improving especially at math"

"WOOOH!" My dad honks the car

"I'm so proud of you Kailane" my mom smiles at me

"Thanks mom and dad"

Why did I have to lie if my parents find out they're going to be so disappointed on me

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