Chapter 4

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(Abby was in the living room watching TV while drawing.)

NARRATOR (on TV): It's feeding time for the giraffe. 

(whimsical music playing on TV)

(TV continues playing quietly)

(The gang walks into the living room and sees Abby drawing a roller-skater.)

Mike: Hey, Abs, what you working on?

(Abby just continued drawing.)

Mike: All right. I guess you don't want this, then.

(Mike shows her the badge Vanessa gave him and Abby takes it.)

Chase: It's cool, huh?

(Abby looks at the badge for a brief minute and puts it on the table behind her.)

Matthew: (softly): Okay.

(Mike grabs the badge and puts it in the dresser in the living room.)

Mike: I'm trying my best, Abby, okay?

(Mike and the gang walks away. Abby decides to head towards the dresser and open it up. She tries to pull the drawer, but it wouldn't budge. She pulls harder until the drawer came loose as Abby pulls it harder that she fell to the ground.)

(objects clatter)

Guy (on TV): Can't you read?

(The gang came to check up on Abby.)

Marshall: You okay, Abby?

(They see Abby on the floor with the stuff that fell out of the drawer.)

Abby: I made a mess. I'm sorry.

(They noticed Abby is looking at the Custody Court papers.)

Skye: I think she noticed the papers for child custody.)

Wallace: Abby, before you freak out, let us tell you this. They're just... they're just papers, all right?

Mike: Yeah. They don't... they don't mean anything.

Abby: Then why do you have them?

Mike: Well, that's complicated. Aunt Jane...

Abby: I hate her. She's mean and she smells like cigarettes.

Champ & Mike: (chuckles)

Abby: It's not funny, guys.

Champ: I know it's not. I'm sorry. It's just how you described her.

Mike: You're right, it's not. It's just, uh... I don't know, it's nice that we can finally agree about something.

Abby: (softly): Are you gonna give me away?

Mike: Abs, no, I...

(Suddenly, there was a knock at the door)

Grace: Hmm. Wonder who that can be.

(Mike opens the door and it was Vanessa.)

Ryder: Hey. Vanessa.

Vanessa: Hey, Ryder. (Notices Abby) And hello.

Mike: Vanessa, this is Abby. Abby, Vanessa.

Mike: Hi, Abby. Mike didn't tell me he had a daughter.

Abby: Gross.

Chase: No, uh, Abby's his sister.

Vanessa: Ah. Well, he didn't tell me he had a sister either.

Abby: Are you here to arrest Mike?

The Dalmatian Squad and The Paw Patrol in Five Nights at Freddy's (OCS Included)Where stories live. Discover now