Chapter 5

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(Abby was at the table eating. Mike and the gang went up to her.)

Mike: Hey, Abby, um, we need to talk about last night, okay?

Zuma: Um... So those, uh, those... machines...

Abby: My friends?

Mike: Your friends? Um... are they...?

Abby: Ghosts?

Champ: Yeah.

Abby: Of course. How else could they make the robots move?

Matthew: Right.

Abby: Can I have some more soup?

Mike: Yeah, sure.

(Mike walks into the kitchen to get more soup.)

Mike: Hey, Abs. You know we used to have a brother, right? Garrett. I don't... I don't really talk about him very much.

Abby: Neither did Mom or Dad.

Cadpig: You guys never talked about Garret for a while?

Mike: Yeah, it was hard for them. Even us.

Mike: It's hard for me, too. 

(Mike grabs out a folded paper. He unfolds it and gives it to Abby.)

Mike: C-Can you explain this to us?

(Mike gives Abby the paper as it reveals that it was a drawing of a boy looking out the back window of car driving through the woods holding a toy orange plane.)

Lucky: You drew that, right?

(Abby nods yes)

Mike: Okay, and... and-and you know what that is?

(Abby nods yes)

Grace: Hey, hey, it's okay, Abby. Just say it.

Mike: Okay, I'm not, I'm not mad. I won't get angry at you. But I really need you to help us understand, please.

Abby: That's when Garrett got taken.

Wallace: Abby, who told you about that?

Mike: W-Was it a-a boy with blonde hair?

All: Huh?

Patch: A boy with blonde hair?

Mike: Did that boy ever tell you anything about the man driving that car? Anything at all? Okay, just think, think really hard, okay?

Abby: No. All they talk about is a yellow rabbit.

Mike: Okay.

Skye: A yellow rabbit?

Ryder: I don't think there's ever been a yellow rabbit.

Abby: But... I can ask.

Mike: We would really appreciate that.

♪ ♪

(In the pizzeria, Vanessa was already there. She was staring at the wall looking at the children's drawings. One she found interesting was the one picture. It shows five kids holding hands together with a yellow rabbit drawn to look like a guardian to the children smiling.)

(kids' laughter echoing)

KIDS: ♪ We love the yellow rabbit ♪ ♪ We love the yellow rabbit ♪

(girl screaming)

(kids' screams echoing)

(The gang had arrived at the pizzeria. It was almost around midnight. They see that Vanessa's car is in the parking lot.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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