Game of Heirs

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"Ladies and gentlemen of Yiwitha, I king Walker, have found myself facing a very challenging decision. Due to my health issues, as you all know, I must pick from my eight beloved children to be the heir to the throne. Though, none have quite shown their loyalty or skills. Due to this I shall have them play a game of hide and seek.

The seeker must find everyone who is hidden. If they dont, they are out of the competition. Though if they do win, they have shown skill to think strategically. Use observation skills, with a combination of patience and perceptiness.

If the last hider wins they show proficiency in stealth, creativity, and the ability to use the surroundings as resources. This shows the skill to think quickley and to adapt to the enviorment. It may also show smartness due to them outsmarting the seeker.

But if the time runs out, the seeker will still eliminated and the remaining hiders will move on to a different game.

Now in order for the hiders to be officially eliminated from the game, the seeker must make physical contact with them. This can be a poke on the shoulder, or a draw of blood. However they choose.

The only rule is no hiding outside. Boundaries are anywhere on the inside of the castle. The seeker must wait a total of 500 seconds before his or her hunt begins. The time limit is 15 days and 15 nights." My father announced through the microphone, infront of the whole kingdom. We sat in the great hall, us on our thrones from oldest to youngest and the people of the kingdom stood on our red and gold carpet that covered the whole room. My dad is a little obsessed with the color red. He says that it shows royalty, though we don't need to show it. We are it. According to my mom, he's a little mental. He can't function properly without the help of others.

"Now without further a do, I shall draw the seeker." He said smiling at the eight of us. A fat man walked up to him in a suit to small for him. He held out a bright red hat with a black bow on it. My father reached his hand in pulling out a piece of white paper rolled up with a cute matching black bow on it.

He unraveled it, read the name and licked his lips. He then leaned forward and began to speak into the silver old-fashioned microphone. Though he didn't need one. He had a loud voice, it was like what ever he said needed to be heard by the whole kingdom. So naturally he yells quite a bit, even if he doesn't mean to. I think he lacks the skill to whisper due to this.

"The seeker is none other than, Cora." My father said with a smile making eye contact with me. The crowd cheered and I stood up bowing. This is probably the most attention I have gotten in my whole life. I mean, I'm always in the shadows of my siblings so I don't get much recognition. No one but my family knew I was alive until I was about 8. I can't blame them. My dad has had a lot of kids so it wouldn't be surprising if we had 4 more siblings upstairs sitting in their rooms.

As I sat down I couldn't help but straighten out my green dress out. Was I nervous? Of course I was. I'm the youngest in the family. My siblings have had more experience in the castle than me, so yeah Im a little nervous. I haven't even seen the whole basement. I explored like around half of it but now we've been doing some renovations. So tonight I'm going to pray no one hides down there. I'm also 90% sure someone lives down there.

Well not someone, not even a person. A barbarian. Dad told me stories about them. Tall, pale people. Haven't seen the sun in years. Their teeth all messed up and yellow. Walk with hunch backs. Legs all skinny, no meat on their bones. They are savages. Or that's what my dad says. He once told me they feast on little girls with blonde hair, that scared the shit of me when I was 9. When my siblings found out about the stories dad told me, they teased me, a lot. I slept in mom and dad's room for a month straight because of them. They would make scratch noises outside my room. They even scraped up the side of my bed and told me "The barbarian is extra hungry tonight!"

Oh, where are my manners. Here's a little family run down.

Jax - 35, tall, brunette, training his whole life to become king.

Felix - 32 years old, tall, blonde, strongest in the family as in a gym-freak.

Marcos - 29 years old, tall, blond-ish, most athletic

Cecelia - 27 years old, medium height, dirty blond, fashionista.

Ashton - 24 years old, tall, brunette, street smart.

Junie(June-y) - 19 years old, short, brunette, horse girl.

Mikayla - 18 years old, tall, pitch black hair, school nerd.

Cora (me) - 16 years old, medium height, blonde, book nerd.

No, my mom did not carry all eight of us. Dad has had 3 wives. Jax, Felix and Marcos were the first. Cecelia and Ashton were the second. Junie, Mikayla and me were the last or the current queen. So we are all like half siblings.

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