Letter of Betrayal

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I didn't mean to kill him. I'll start off with that. It was an accident. Accidents happen, mistakes are made. We grow from those mistakes. I have grown from my mistake. How? I will never touch an ax ever again in my life.

Here I lay, on the floor in the stairway. Still in shock. My body, still shaking violently. My breathing was out of order. I zoned out, staring at the ceiling. Blankly.

I gathered the strength to look at my watch. 10:43 PM. Sun has fallen and the moon has risen. I stood up groaning as blood rushed through my body. I think I've been laying in that position for over four hours. I can tell by the disgusting sweat stains I left on the ground.

I weakly walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I took of the armor and just threw it in the doorway, laying on my fluffy bed. My headache relieved almost instantly when I dropped my head into my memory-foam pillow. I adjusted myself looking out my window.

An envelope caught my eye. I got up and opened the creaky window with a lot of confusion. Yes I asked dad for a letter. Did I expect him to answer? No, he's a quite lazy person. Him writing a letter? Drains more energy from him than standing up.

I grabbed the envelope and looked at the wax seal. Surely enough it was dad, I could tell by the horrid self portrait. I cringe everytime I look at one of these seals.

I didn't have energy to open it right now. I could barely keep my eyes open. So I walked to my bed and put the envelope on my nightstand. I adjusted my body once again, instantly falling asleep this time.


I woke up with a burst of energy, smiling as I threw my blanket off myself. I stood up stretching, which felt so good. Blood. My mood instantly dropped. I got such good sleep my brain must've thought it was a dream.

I suddenly shot my head to my nightstand. The letter. I quickly grabbed it, sitting down on my bed. I whipped my messy hair back as I carefully but quickly opened up the envelope.

I impatiently unfolded the tightly sealed paper before reading the words that my father wrote.

'My dearest Cora,

You may think I am disappointed in you, but that is far from the truth. As I penned this letter I had feelings of sorrow mixed with pride. But at the end, the stongest one was pride. Your actions last night showcased strength and determination that I have not seen from any of my eight children. Your action mustn't be ignored.

It has always been a desire of mine to watch each of you reveal the qualities that make a true leader.

I believe the throne is rightfully yours. From the moment I saw you, in the nursery, I knew you were destined to be the leader.

I was hinting at the ceremony for a different for of elimination and you have made the right choice. Though you may not thinks so, I do. Killing those in your path, let no one stop you from claiming what was rightfully yours from birth.

With great pride -
Dad '

He ended the letter with dad? He's never dont that before. But that's not the confusing part. He is proud of me for killing someone.

As I read the letter a growing realization clawed into my head. His words were chosen very carefully. I could tell by the handwriting. He tried really hard to make it as readable as possible. He sent a message and I recieved it.

I am the favored one. Both a blessing and a curse. I looked at the photo of me with my parents now studying it. Dad was looking at me with a childish smile, and warmth in his eyes. Something i've never seen in the others photo's with him. I hadn't dared to acknowledge this information, until now.

The game was not made to test us; the game was made for me. It was made for me to win. He had it all set up. All those slips of paper with my name, eight to be exact, sat on the coffee table in the living room on a Sunday morning. He rigged the drawing, he is giving me the biggest chance to win the throne.

He wants me to emerge victorious by any means. By killing any sibling that stands in my way of the throne.

I am the chosen heir. I have been the chosen one since birth? This is a game of survival. Not for me, but for them.

I cant help but smile at the thought. I stand up with a burst of adrenaline, I am basically guaranteed the throne.

I rush over to my vanity to quickly redo my hair, grabbing a pair of Doc Martens and I ran across the hall into Felix's room. I scrummaged through his stuff, finding a pocket knife that I hid on the side of my left boot.

"Thanks." I whispered closing his room with a smirk. I was going to make father proud. I was going to win what is rightfully mine, what has always been mine. The throne. I was going to show him that I am the rightful heir.

The castle's hallways echo with each step I take. Each step I grow more confident, holding my head high with great posture. Each one a reminder of the path I am choosing.  The path to show who I am. The path to show I am the best shot this kingdom has.

Even if that means becoming an only child.

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The story is just starting!!!

I think this may be my favorite chapter so far.

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