[Sunny x Water Wiggler] One Last Kiss

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Pairing: Sunny x Water Wiggler
Tropes: angst
Additional: mweheheheh... MWEHEHEHEH!!!
Requested by: angelicfailure

[A/N]: guys they're my friend I get to make the most heart wrenching toe curling heart breaking show stopping angst oneshot for them 💔💔💔

oh also go read my sunnywater book on my main account Candied-Bugs

also my writing style changed again


Sunny, Water Wiggler and Milkbone all came back to their hideout after a long day and the all laid onto the old mattress they used, with Sunny facing the wall. It had been a long day with no reward as always.

Sunny just stared at the wall, it had soon gotten late with the other two falling asleep.

...Sunny had began feeling... something towards Wiggler, but he couldn't put his tongue on it.

He didn't wanna call it love... but...

The other male had made him smile so much, his heart flutter, his petals always fluffed up near him...

Oh damn it it WAS love!

But... should he confess? He was unsure as he turned to face the rotting stone that was the ceiling

... He'll decide tomorrow...


The three walked down the mostly empty street, not talking at all to eachother.

Sunny just silently looked at Water Wiggler, specifically his hand...

He wanted to hold it...


He'll... He'll tell him when they get back to the hideout... definitely...

The three soon had actually found a fairly stocked market, and we're now looking through it.

Sunny had been staying close to Water Wiggler, the thought of the two of them making him blush and smile... he was definitely in love...

He wanted to hold the other... hug him...


"...Hey, Water Wiggler?"

"Hm?" The beastial object turned to the flower, "What is it?"

Damn... he's really doing this, huh?

"I...I need to tell you something... uhm..."

Damn it, say it! Go on!


Suddenly, Milk Bone had ran into the two, almost making them fall.



"Wait- What-?!"

Milk Bone had bitten onto Water Wigglers hand, and began dragging him, and Sunny ran behind.

Damn it- He was just about to tell Water Wiggler!

It's... It's fine... he'll tell him once they get to their hideout...

The three ran, the growling of the infected object behind them getting louder.

Water Wiggler and Milk Bone were infront of Sunny, not paying attention... Sunny didn't notice the rock in front of him, and suddenly slipped onto his stomach, and yelped.

The yelp caused Milk Bone and Water Wiggler to turn, but they suddenly saw...

The yelp caused Milk Bone and Water Wiggler to turn, but they suddenly saw

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...The two stared in horror at Sunny's open stem.

Sunny's eyes slowly drifted over to Water Wiggler... No... He was... he wanted... he wanted to tell him one last thing at least...

"...W..ait... Water Wiggler... I..."

He felt too light headed... and his vision went black as he saw the two back away...


He just wanted to say one more thing to him...



[A/N]: please let my family go Angelic 🫶🫶🫶 Also i dont have a beta reader so uhm

Words: 517 (WOAH)

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