[Fruit Plush AU] I promise you'll be okay.

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Pairing: implied Spool x Citrus (Up for interpretation)
Tropes: Angst , comforting, AU
Additional: AU is by me lmaooo
Requested by: Nobody

[A/N]: I love my au <3


During Venatics, Brandy died when pushed over, and Citrus couldn't eat his soul, (assumed he died), so he decided to eat Minty's soul. Not wanting to leave Sugarcube, Spool suggested to take care of Sugarcube instead, which Citrus agreed to do.


Sugarcube was asleep while on the rooftop with Citrus and Spool, laying on Spool while wrapped in a small blanket the two older objects had found in the building... The two were currently looking through the bag they had taken from Sugarcubes parents, looking for any supplies...

Sugarcube stirred a little in her sleep, to which Spool gently patted her back to keep her asleep by comforting her. After she had stopped, Spool turned to Citrus.

"This is still fucked up... the kid looks real young... I know it's been a week, but..."

"You still feel bad? Yeah, me too..."

"...Did you find anything useful in the bag?"

"I found a lighter, some cans, and... bottles with some cloths in them..." Citrus said as he took said items out the bag.

"Huh... wonder what they were doing with that..."

"Yeah... we'll deal with those later..." Citrus replied as he pushed away the bottles, groaning a bit...

Suddenly, Sugarcube was stirring more in her sleep, and Spool tried to comfort her again... but it wouldn't work, she continued to turn in her sleep... she also began whining a bit and was muttering in her sleep...

"D...Daaad... where are you going..? Where's..."

Oh... the poor kid was having a nightmare...

"Sh... hey, hey, its okay..." Spool muttered as he kept trying to comfort her, even picking her up and holding her close.

"You should wake her up... she's having a nightmare..." Citrus added

"I can see that, im trying to calm her down-"

"Well it'd be better for us to wake her up! The kids crying, dumbass!"

"What would you know about whats good?!"

The two began arguing, and Sugarcube continued to toss and turn in her sleep, and the argument continued until they suddenly heard crying, and Spool looked down to see Sugarcube crying.

"Damn it..." Citrus grumbled under his breath.

"Shh... hey hey, it's alright... don't.. don't cry..." Spool said as he held the young hominid close...

"...Here, let me try-" Citrus spoke quietly, holding out his arms, to which Spool glared at him, before sighing and handing the kid over...

Citrus held Sugarcube close, and gently pet the kids head, to calm her down, which easily worked, and she calmed down... huh... guess the fluff on Citrus worked well... maybe it reminded her of that cat beastial's arms... he was  the one holding the kid...

"Shh... it'll be okay..."

Citrus sighed as he placed the kid down into a small cardboard box the two found, using it as a bed, as they had placed small pillows in the box and a blanket... Citrus tucked the kid in, and Spool readjusted the pillow under her...

"I promise..."


[A/N]: AU jumpscare

Words: 527

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