Chapter 3

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Out of nowhere Parker and Benny came right at me bulldozing into me like I was a kind of football player. I fell back straight into the big pool behind me. When i came back up to the surface everybody was laughing .

While i was sputtering and gasping for air. I paddled back to the side of the pool. While I started to climb out of the pool I heard Benny yell. "We got you!" While laughing.

Will yelled to Benny and Parker. "What the hell is wrong with you guys!" He came over to me helping me get up. "Someone grab Maddison a towel." Will yelled. While i was dripping on the deck of the pool. Someone came up to me rapping a towel around me i turned around to see Cole grinning at me while wrapping it over my shoulders.

I turned back around with an embarrassed look on my face I looked at Jackie. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "I'm Fine. Can we please go inside." I mumbled.

"Of course let's go" Will said. While heading into the house with Jackie and Will. Will shouted something to Cole. "Hey, start bringing their stuff upstairs. Okay?" Will turned back to Cole. "Cole!" He yelled.

"I heard you." He called out to his brother while keeping his eyes shut.

When we got inside Will apologized for what happened and that I shouldn't take it personally.

"Um, Will how many of these kids are George and Cathrine's?" Jackie asked. I was glad she asked because I really wanted to know that.

Will looked back while heading up the stairs. "Actually all of them there's eight of us kids. Plus Lee and Isaac but they are cousins on Dad's side." He answered Jackies question. I was really in shock i heard they had a big family but not this big.

While making my way up the stairs there were a lot of things spread across the steps that were making it hard not to trip or knock something over.

When we finally arrived upstairs i looked around and saw a lot of doors. "Wait you all live here?" Jackie asked with a worried look. "No i live in town with my fiancée Hayley, but everyone else yeah." He said. I looked at Jackie and Jackie looked at me to and we both slightly chuckle.

"So this is your room." Will said while he opens a door to a room with two single beds in. With a painting on an Ezel and beautiful paintings that were spread across the wall land the ceiling.

"This was my mom's art studio" Will said.

There was a loud sound from behind us as we turned around we saw Cole dropping a box down. He finally put on a shirt Maddison said in her head.

"Will are you gonna help? There's a ton of stuff to bring up." Cole asked his younger brother while giving me a quick glare.

"We can help." I said while looking at Jackie and then back to Cole.

"No you two make yourself at home." Will said while walking past us. Cole moved out the way to let his brother go first. Before Cole left he looked back at us. "Yeah, don't worry about it, New Yorkers;" Cole said with a glare u turned around and heads out leaving me staring before sitting down on my bed.

While you're were changing you asked Jackie how she was feeling. "I am okay Maddie just the facts theirs a lot of boys in this house." She said with a chuckle. As you came out of the room divider. "Yeah well that's going to be a lot." You both chuckled while laying down on the bed.




After a while Jackie went downstairs leaving you all alone in the room. You were unpacking until you heard your phone ring. So you picked it up from your bed and saw it was Isa was calling you your best friends. So you quickly picked up.

"Hey girl, how are you?" She asked me; I chuckled. "Well the fact that there are seven younger boys in this house and only one little girl. Everything is completely fine." You said sarcastically while laughing with your best friend. "Oh, yeah and not to forget i got pushed into the pool." You added and your best friend started to laugh harder and harder.

"So are there any hot guys their?" She asked with a smirk on her face. "I mean they are not ugly." I answered. "OMG Maddie you have to tell me. Do you have a photo? She yelled in excitement. "No I don't have a photo. But chill out okay." I said with a slight chuckle. " You have to at least find someone hot tell me who please." She asked me. "Okay, yeah chill out. There is this boy Cole he is good looking." I answered. "Tell me how does he look." She asked me. "He's tall, he has this beautiful blond hair. And he has amazing abs." I said while smiling.

"Who has great abs?" Cole appeared in the door way. I turned around too look at him and he had this big grin on his face while looking at me. I stared at him because I didn't know what to say.

So i turned my head back to my phone. "I am so sorry Isa but i have to go see you later okay. Bye." While i smiled and I pressed the Red button ending the call.

"So who is Isa?" He asked me while staring and still having that smirk on his face. "She's my best friend from home." I answered him. I kept staring at him without even realizing it. "Hey princess, i have shirt on there is no need to stare anymore. I mean i know i am hot but." He says giving me his irresistible smirk. "I wasn't staring." I said while turning my gaze to the ground.

Cathrine came from behind Cole. "hey Maddison i am so sorry about what happened by the pool. I promise it will not happen again." She said while walking into the room. I looked behind Cathrine and saw Cole leave. " Goodbye Madd's." He said while giving me a wink. I just smiled at him until he disappeared behind the corner.

"So how are you settling in? Can I get you anything?" Cathrine asked me. "It's fine. I am sorry were taking your space." I said while holding my hands together in front of me. " Oh please I do not have time to paint anymore with all these kids running around. I want you two to have it" She said with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her.

"Are you hungry? Where about to have dinner." She asked me. "Not really sorry I am pretty tired from the trip." I answered her. "Okay that's fine. Just come down if you change your mind okay." She said with a little smile. You nodded. As she left the room you laid down on your bed staring at the ceiling.

|| Chapter 3 their was a little Cole and Maddison in this. I'm so sorry their wasn't more their will come more i promise. And please let me know if the chapters are a little short. Thank you for reading. And also thank you for the 150 reads.|| 

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