Chapter 10

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We made our way inside the house. "Is there anything left for us?" Cole shouted through the hall. "Cause I am starving."

We made our inside the dining room and everybody turned around to look at us. "You know you're supposed to call if you're running late, right?" George said from the other side of the table. I mean that's the whole reason you have the phone." He added with a little but of anger in his voice.

I made my offer to my seat next to Jackie and sat down. She gave me a smile and I gave her one back. "Where have you guys been?" Kathrine asked with a curious tone.

"Yeah, we uh, went to the watering hole." Cole said stuffing food into his mouth. "We lost track of time." He added.

"Listen, I—" I was about to say something but George and Kathrine cut me off. "Jackie, excuse me." George said in a sweet tone while putting his finger up.

"Hey, Cole, you know anything about a bet with Isaac this morning?" George questioned the blond boy. Me and Jackie turned our head towards Cole.

"No, no, doesn't ring a bell." Cole said while shaking his head while he was chewing the food inside his mouth. "I didn't quit get that." George said. "Seriously, Cole?" Kathrine spoke up.

He looked up to look at his parents. "It was a joke, okay?" He said. I heard Jackie gasp. Jackie takes in a quick breath.

"Maybe ask Jordan what he's got on camera." Alex spoke up.

"Dude, seriously?" Lee said with an annoyed tone.

"You just had to bring me into it, didn't you." Jordan said turning his head towards Alex. "Jackie I'm so sorry, I don't even know what to say." Kathrine said looking at Jackie. "I have to fix my hair." Jackie said while walking away from the table.

"Can I at least help?" Kathrine asked in a worrying tone. "No thank you." Jackie said in an anger but also sweet tone as she disappeared into the hallway. Kathrine turned around and sighed. "It's okay, I'll go talk to her." I said to thr red headed women in front of me at the table.

"Thanks honey." She said giving me a smile. I looked at Cole and made my way inside the hallway following Jackie upstairs. You heard Kathrine and George talking to their kids when you made your way upstairs.

You made your way to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Jackie, you okay?" I questioned my sister. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said. "Can I help you." I asked.

"No, just leave me alone." She said with in a harsh tone. You stepped back and sighed. You turn around making your way towards your room.

About 15 minutes later Jackie came into the room. "Hey, sis, I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so harsh you were just trying to help." She said coming to sit next to me on the bed. "It's just hard and I miss New York and all." She said while looking at the ground. I wrapped my hands around my sister and gave her a hug. She wrapped her hands around me. "I know, but it's going to be fine trust me." I said trying to reassure my sister. "Thank you." She said. "For what?" I asked in a curious tone. "For being their for me." She said giving me a smile.

"I'm always here for you Jackie." I said giving her one last hug. "By the way, you'll never believe what I saw this morning." Jackie said. "What?" I said sitting up because I was curious. "I saw Olivia sneaking out of the house this morning out of Cole's room." She said. "What!" I yelled in shock.

"Shh, keep it down." She said putting a hand over my mouth. She took her hands of my mouth. "Sorry." I whispered. We both started laughing.

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