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As the bell rang, Mr. Shue entered the boisterous choir room, "All right, let's, uh, let's gather around. Sorry I'm late, guys. I was with Principal Figgins. Bad news, guys. Puckerman's in juvie,"

"It really was just a matter of time," Tina stated as the glee club laughed at the situation.

"What did he do?" Quinn asked, seeming to be the only one who cared

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM," Mr. Shue sighed, earning even more snickers and causing the blonde to roll her eyes

"And when is he getting out?" Rachel questioned

"Unknown," Will sighed, narrowing his eyes at the kids who seemed to careless

"He might be the dumbest person on this planet, and that's coming from me." Brittany stated earning even more giggles

"Guys! Let's have some sympathy." Mr. Shue reasoned or at least tried

"For a guy who put his needs before the team's? We need his voice and his bad-boy stage presence,” Finn yelled, Rachel nodding in agreement with her boyfriend

"We can't look at this as, as a crisis. It's an opportunity." Mr. Shue tried to encourage though his words didn’t move them at all

"For what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?" Quinn retorted, as Santana rolled her eyes

“Where’s Mickey when I need him?” Santana muttered to herself, wishing her best friend was with her to make this ‘meeting’ less painful

"For welcoming our new member, Sam Evans! " Mr. Shue announced as Sam started to walk into the choir room earning applause from everyone,”And welcoming back our old member, Mickey Hummel,” he continued, the younger hummel rolling his eyes as he used his crutches to catch up to Sam, the blonde helping him after realizing he was struggling.

The unholy trio along with Kurt smiled at the sight of the youngest Hummel,though the others froze at the sight, none of them expecting to see him in the choir room again. Mike tensed at the sight of his ex-best friend, not being able to look away from him until Tina squeezed the hand she was holding, making sure to glare at Mickey from her spot.

It had only been about a week since the incident and Mickey was still getting used to the crutches. Though he did try to act like it was nothing, Sam could see how frustrated his friend was and he helped him whenever he was around. Even when Mickey fought back and tried to refuse his help, Sam would push back giving the brunette no choice.

"Hey, everybody. I'm Sam. And I don't like green eggs and ham,” Sam introduced, causing the room to go silent as Mickey held back a smile

"Oh, wow. He has no game,” Santana muttered, winking at Mickey who let out a chuckle at her comment before sighing

“Just so you know, I’m not back. I’m only here because Kurt’s still a part of this idiotic club and I can’t exactly drive,” Mickey drawled, rolling his eyes as he went to sit down away from everyone causing many to sigh and Santana to laugh smirking at her best friend

"Okay! This is gonna be great." Finn said, trying to defuse the tension brought by Mickey’s comment and going to pat the blonde boy on the back. "You're not going to regret joining. Sam, you can sit right here." Finn said leading Sam to a seat next to him but sam chose to sit next to Mickey

It wasn’t that he didn’t like Finn, he just was more comfortable with Mickey out of everyone in the room. The two had the majority of their classes together and sat next to each other in each. It helped them get close quickly and they were starting to form a bond that was unlike any other.

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