Chapter 1 The Start

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As the sun rises.......... I know I know last time she was sleeping but this time she is awake . So let's cut to the chase here okay . "You don't know me yet" Said Agent responding to the teasing she gets the first time in her office .
"And what is there to know exactly"Said a 6feet tall boy with Blonde hair & Blue dreamy eyes wearing a black leather tuxedo with a black tie ,

"And what is there to know exactly"Said a 6feet tall boy with Blonde hair & Blue dreamy eyes wearing a black leather tuxedo with a black tie ,

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Clearly mocking her. Before she could say anything ; he stopped her and said " And What you gonna do " Said the boy with no respect for her in his eyes. "Oh ! May I have the permission sir " Asked Agent red.

Sarcastically ,mocking him back as the words came from his mouth "The permission of what?" Said the disrespectful boy in the same tone as Agent red .( Writers Note :  I donno what you guys feel but I am tired and when I say tired... I mean tired of this Agent Agent everywhere..... So I am coming up with nicknames for them ; So Rose for Agent red & Sky for The boy Okay continue the fight )

"Wow another Fool ; what do you think ? Said Rose clearly annoyed by the foolishness of Sky before , he could say anything Rose stops him and says " To fight you you idot " Now  ready to fight taking out her foldable staff out from her pocket . "Bring it in , then " Said Sky angerly trying to defend himself in the argument "Are you two having a breakup? " Asked a cute elven girl with wings prettier than a butterfly's with majestic pastel blue & Pink hair with a cute pastel frock on .

 "Bring it in , then " Said Sky angerly trying to defend himself in the argument "Are you two having a breakup? " Asked a cute elven girl with wings prettier than a butterfly's with majestic pastel blue & Pink hair with a cute pastel frock on

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Wait! do you think I am letting you read all that and just this much time of course not ; Wait you do ................Well for that stay tuned for the next chapter or; I donno wait .
Okay thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed and I"ll see you next time
Bye now .

By - Samriddhi Pandey

Agent red : A beauty behind the maskWhere stories live. Discover now