Chapter 3 The big reveal

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"So what's with the playdate? " Asked Rose doubting the little girl's intentions . "Oh ! As you know this fairy is a princess of the sky realm or kingdom and also the future queen of the sky realm and she is only 4 right now so she is really really innocent" Said miss Jade explaining the situation. "Yet it still doesn't explain why she is here and where are her parents? " asked sky and rose together . "Okay okay let me finish so as you asked her parents are captured in their own castle because of a jem they have "the sky jem" and because they are the king and queen of the sky kingdom they need to keep the jem safe ANYHOW even if it means to risk their lives for it ,here is what it looks like" said ms jade showing them the picture of the sky stone .

"Okay and how exactly?"asked rose eagerly waiting for the answer

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"Okay and how exactly?"asked rose eagerly waiting for the answer. "Yeah what are we supposed to do about it ?"asked sky also wanting to be let in into the information,"Oh you you are supposed to go on a mission to rescue the sky stone safely"said miss Jade answering their questions."wait wait wait, what do you mean by rescue the the stone safely what about the king and queen aren't we supposed to save them too ?" Asked Rose looking confused as to what miss Jade ment .

"Good question my darling , well you see it is actually more important than the king and queen ;and I know what you must be thinking but the stone cannot be replaced yet the king and queen can therefore you need to save the stone first and then IF you have time save queen Margret as well as king Henry ,Ok?" Said miss Jade explaining the situation properly and with a sad expression on her face . "OKAY! , YOU ARE ASKING IF I AM OKAY, OF COURSE I AM NOT OKAY!!*breathes frantically*"said Rose breathing frantically taking out her pink inhaler .

Agent red's inhaler

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Agent red's inhaler

"Are you okay darling,do you need your tank,or something else"Said miss Jade looking concerned for rose ."it's okay miss , as I was saying, I am not going to risk someone's life for a stupid ass stone "said agent red looking at miss Jade annoyed. "Darling,it's not about the stone here it's about the powers of the citizens that they as the citizens of the sky realm have to prove the are the real citizens " said miss Jade explaining the situation clearly trying to clarify any doubts . "Hey what are you guys talking about can I also be in the super secret ninja mission?"said the little farie trying to sound as serious as possible.

Agent red looking at miss Jade carefully trying to think of an answer to the little farie 's questions about " the super secret ninja mission". The sight of miss Jade nodding to indicate that yes in fact the farie will be a part of the mission gave agent red mixed feelings on one side she remembered herself as a little girl going on adventures and missions with her big sister and mother that of course she does not remember the face of either of them but only remembered that miss Jade was there somewhere in the missions but still doesn't remember where "(ahem, darling respond please.... excuse me uhm excuse me AHEM"as she was thinking a faint voice she heard in the Abyss of her memories "oh no it's miss Jade "thought rose before snapping out . "Yes,yes miss I'm here" Said agent,like she just snapped out of a daydream . "Are you okay?"asked miss Jade not trying to start a drama . "Ummmmmmmm. Not trying to fuss or anything but don't you guys think you should you know answer to the little girl" said sky awkwardly not trying to interfere with anything or anyone's conversation. "Oh yes yes of course you are a part of the super secret ninja mission" said Rose playfully trying not to look suspicious in the little farie's eyes . Miss Jade signalling Rose and Jack to come in the other room . "Oh ! *Yawns*I am also coming"said the little farie yawning clearly not trying to look tired. "Sorry But it's past your bedtime little one "
Said miss Jade trying to convince her of going to bed. "But but *Yawns* I am not at all tired not even a little bit wait what does tired mean whatever it means I am not " said the little farie trying to convince them that she is really not tired . "Okay have a glass of warm milk" said Sky trying to make her sleepy . "Okay,*drinks milk*now I don't really feel sleepy now I feel even more energetic how how I can stay awake all night"said farie very fast like she just got more energetic. "You idot she is from the sky realm milk makes her energized now she will never leave us alone"said agent red clearly annoyed at sky. "Unless ..... Hey farie come here " said Rose calling farie very sneaky like. "Okay I am coming "answered farie very quickly running towards rose . "Smell this flower " said agent red still very suspiciously. "Oh wow it's such a sweet flower ..... *Yawns* wait why am I feeling sleepy again"said farie in a heavy voice like she is very sleepy signalling agent red to pick her up . "Okay little one enough playing around for today now it's sleepy time " said agent red in a loving voice picking the farie up and tucking her in but as she faded off to sleep she heard a very muffled voice that said"you are like mommy"from the sweet little farie's mouth .
Agent red closes the door behind her from that room and enters the other room more specificly the conference room in which miss Jade and sky are sitting.
"And yes also keep her away from every fight you can because as I told you she is very small right now and you may traumatiz her for life"said miss Jade explaining. "And now at last this is the jet you will be travelling in please try to keep it safe as it is the agencies property "said miss Jade showing them a black private jet with red sparkling lights and a glossy coat of black .

"Okay okay now everyone sleep tight you all have a big day tomorrow"greeted miss Jade; signaling them towards their rooms

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"Okay okay now everyone sleep tight you all have a big day tomorrow"greeted miss Jade; signaling them towards their rooms .

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Bye now have a great day

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