Chapter 1: Hands tied

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*Y/n's POV*

*May 13th*

I get out the car and start to look at the house.

"This house is newly built. It's only been about 15 years."

"Oh yeah that's not bad at all."

Me and the seller walk into the house. It's only one floor but it's the right amount of space.

"I can feel you like it already. Almost all the neighbors are around your age too so that's not bad. The woman next door is super nice. If you don't like talking, I suggest you avoid her."

"No it's fine. I'll talk to her."

"I'll let you explore the rest of the house."

She leaves and I start looking around. This place is nice! And it's a safe neighborhood. Stores aren't far. I could get used to this. I go outside.

"So what do you think?"

"I'm buying this place."

"I didn't think it'd be that easy."

A woman next door then comes outside and runs over.

"Hey! I'm Catherine, your neighbor! You could call me Cat."

Right from her introduction, I can tell she has great intentions, and her energy is amazing.

"Hi Cat. My name is Y/n."

"Oh my god that is a pretty name. Can we switch? I'm just joking."

We both laugh.

"It's a small neighborhood you know not a lot of people live here. Some of these houses are empty as you saw when you drove in. We would love to have more people here."

"Well you're in luck because I am in the process of buying this."

Her eyes widen and she smiles.

"That's amazing! I hope you stay. Look take my number and when you come here, we will celebrate your arrival."


She's so nice but kind of weird. I can't help but love her.

*May 23rd*

*4:30 pm*

I bring the last box in the house and hear a knock at my door. I open it and find Cat.

"Hey Y/n! The party is starting at 6:00."


"Oh did you forget?"

"Sorry I kinda did. It's fine I can still make it."

"I hope so. Do you have a pet cat?"

She looks over my shoulder and sees my cat pet. Mystic.

"Yeah his name is Mystic."

"Oh my god he is so cute! Wait until Christmas. He will be getting many gifts from me. Alright I'll get out your hair. If you need help with anything you know you can always come get me and my husband. His name is Greg."

"Of course!"

She goes back next door. Before I close the door, I notice a guy. He's eyeing my house from his. I close the door and look at my house full of boxes.

*6:10 pm*

I only got half of the house done but it is what it is. I get over to Cat's house and enter. I find the house full of neighbors. Everyone cheers as they realize I'm the newest neighbor on the block.

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