𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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It was a pretty cheery day the sun was out shining brightly, the clouds were of unusual shapes and the birds chirping as usual. I was just looking out the window as Arthur was going on and on about his liking towards pets but how he was scared to ask his parents for one.

As I was zoning out into the sky I spotted a cat-shaped cloud, pointed at it, and said- "Ari that cloud looks like a cat doesn't it?" He paused for a second as he searched for the cloud I pointed at and retorted- "Oh yeah it does look like a cat" The homeroom teacher returned to the class and said,

"Sora, Arthur please follow me out."

"Yes miss" I replied swiftly.

"Right away" Arthur answered.

"You both have been called for the royal conference so I would request you to pack up and go to the entrance, your car will be arriving briefly "

"Oh already?" He whispered to me.

"Yes, Ari I reminded you in the morning, you idiot" I whispered back as I nudged him. "Thank you for letting us know we will be at the gate in no time." How stupid can he be, today is the most important day for both our families. Ugh!

"Let's go get our bags" he suggested. I nodded as I walked into the class.

At the entrance, Our car arrived shortly after we did, it was noon at the moment. I was zoned out looking at the sky again. " Sora the car is here" Oh right. We enter the car and we are on are way to the main castle the mutual one it's pretty big but not as big as the ones we live in individually. They are humongous.

We reached the entrance of the main castle, and my maid led me to my dressing room and helped me pick out a dress to wear to the conference. While Arthur was in his dressing room getting dressed. when we both got out of the dressing room it was 1:00pm. "The meeting starts in half an hour, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Arthur suggested. "Alright I want a sandwich" i replied.

"Sandwich it is" Arthur replied. "Belle could you please get us two sandwiches?" I asked my maid. "of course princess" I got an immediate reply.

We got our sandwiches in ten minutes exactly. "Hello sandwich here i come" Arthur told the sandwich. Can't he just quietly eat it like a normal person? Anyway we both finished our sandwiches and it was almost time for the meeting. Both of us, along with our attendants, started to head towards the conference room.As we neared the end of the hallway we spotted our parents, entered the room and sat in our assigned places basically next to them.

As the meeting started i could FEEL my eyes drop like so boring for what man. I looked towards Arthur and he looked like he was drooling while sleeping. I almost snorted out water from my nose.

"So the King and Queen of The kingdom of Althea and The kingdom of Sylvaine will have to make a trip to The city of Nova to make the deal official on papers. The presence of all four of you is mandatory. If even one of you is not present on that day due to any circumstances the deal will be cancelled. I hope i have made myself clear to you all."

"Yes sir your words are as clear as day" my dad replies

"Yes sir your point has been made clear" Arthur's dad replied from his side. 



Next chapter:) 

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