𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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After the conference, I asked my parents, Irene and Conan.
"You guys have to make a trip to Nova ?" I sighed.
"Darling we have to leave tomorrow we are not quite sure when we will be back though." My mom retorted.
"Let's spend aloooooot of time together before we leave, okay birdie?" My dad suggested.
I immediately responded "Yesss papa lets all spend time together. what do you say Irene? Conan?"

"Can we eat? I'm hungry." typical Arthur.

"Arthur, patience. Yes Sora let's all go to the garden for a picnic?" Irene proposed.

I gave a puppy eyed look to Conan, he let out a little giggle and said "I'll have the arrangements made by evening so let's have supper as a picnic?"
"Sure Connie I'll help" my father offered.

a few hours later...

"Mother can you help me with my hair?" I said struggling to braid my long hair. "Of course honey but this is the last time I will be doing your hair for you, you need to learn to do it on your own alright?"
She said that with such certainty I thought she was joking but I did not know what she said would turn out to be true. "Okay mother teach me your ways" I burst out laughing and mother also laughed, Her laugh was so sweet, I think I'm beginning to forget it, I feel terrible. 


The great clock rang.

My dad barged in as he said- " Come on girls we're gonna be late"

"We're ready Levi, you can calm down"

We all meet at the greenhouse manor. "There is soooooo much to eat." Arthur said with a huge smile on his face. There were big muffins, lasagna, feta chicken salad, pizza, turkey etc. Me and Arthur were pretty happy at the moment but i did not want Mother and father to go to Nova and i know Arthur did not want Irene and Conan to not go either but I guess they had to go.

"Could you pass me the salad Levi?"

"Yes Irene, there you go."

"Irene, could you pass it to me after you are done?"

"Of course Verena."

"Conan, Sora, Arthur do you guys need something?"

"No sweetie, i have some lasagna right now if i need something i will let you know."

"Can i get a slice of pizza mom?"

"Yes Arthur, Sora you need anything?"

"Oh no Irene i don't need anything right now"

"Okay honey"

The parents looked a bit down to me, i thought i was overthinking, but it kind of felt like it was because of the trip they are going on so i said-

"When you all come back, can we have another picnic? You usually don't get days off so could you all take one day off and spend time with us?"

"Yes, mom and dad i think we should do that" Arthur looked back at me and we both looked at our parents with hope in our eyes. They all looked at eachother and said-

"let's do that" (Irene)

"Yes, we will do that" (Verena)

"Promise?" I shot another doe eyed look but to my mom this time.

"Pinky promise" she said. Liar......

Next chapter:)

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