March 13th, 1982

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Dear James,

I cried today. To be honest I cried more than once. I broke down what felt like every hour. I don't know wether they were happy tears or not.

It's my birthday today, James. I've never celebrated my birthday without you. You were always there. I remember how you used to run into my room when we were young, before you went to Hogwarts. Then you'd jump on my bed and serenade me with the birthday song you made up.

I remember one year specifically. The year before you left for Hogwarts. My ninth birthday, you ran into my room, mum and dad closely behind you. And after you sang your song, you gave me a box. Dark blue converse, my very own pair. I was so happy. I was so happy we were matching, even if it was just with shoes. Your red converse and my blue converse. I wore them everywhere. Every time I needed new shoes, because my converse were falling apart, I'd beg mum for a pair of converse. I was so annoyed with her when she got me a pair of doc martens instead.

I still wear converse. I can't let go of that one happy memory. It reminds me of you. I miss celebrating my birthday with you. I miss your birthday song, and the cake you bought with mum.

I didn't do anything for my birthday today, to be honest, I didn't feel like it. I just cried, for ages probably. But don't worry, Harry was at Molly's again.

I can't believe I'm 20 now. I can't believe you'll never get older than 21. I don't want to outlive you, James.

I sent Remus a letter, a few days ago, I'm worried about him. I really am. I hope he's alright. I feel like I worry about everyone these days, which is fair. I'm worried about Mary McDonald. I know you weren't close with her, but Lily was, and Mary has always been nice to me. I'm really worried about her, I haven't heard of her since November, since the funeral.

I hope you're doing good, James. I hope you can have some peace, together with Lily. I think you need that.

Much love and tears,

Ivory Mae Potter

March 13th, 1982

soo if you notice any grammar/spelling mistakes please don't blame me English is my second language :) I'll try to upload a lot the upcoming week because i have a lot of time on my hands since we're on winter break and im going skiing soo. I also have another six hour car ride ahead of me to France. Also the date for this one aka Ivorys birthday is the 13th because 13=Taylor Swift ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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