Chapter Two - Thriving

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"What smells so good Spartacus" I breathed in heavily, letting the smell of meat wash through my nostrils.

My uncle smiled as he flipped the meat on the barbeque, his girlfriend leaning in his side as his other arm wrapped around her shoulders. We found Sarah around a year ago, she barely spoke when she first joined, but Matt managed to bring her out of her shell with his bright personality. She had luminous red hair past her shoulders, bright green eyes to match and a taller frame.

The woman really was sweet in every way and her and my uncle were perfect for each-other, Matt deserved every piece of happiness.

"Fresh Deer" Matt smiled ushering me over "You hungry Bug".

"Always" I looked behind me to where Carter was sitting, his leg wrapped in a thick bandage "Some for the wounded solider too, maybe throw some sleeping pills in it so he stops whining in my ear like a baby".

Sarah laughed hiding her smile in my uncle's chest "You too are as bad as each other" her words didn't go amiss from Matt who rolled his eyes sarcastically at her.

"The extremely good looks, amazing humour and great taste. The only thing Katie doesn't have is these muscles" Matt smirked as he held his arm up, flexing his muscles.

"Careful Matt, you strain to hard you will shit yourself" Sarah giggled even harder as I watched his face drop with a small frown.

"Language" My uncle scolded just as I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my waist, Hayley's dark hair pooled against my side as she stuck to me.

The small child had been glued to my side since the moment we got back, she stared in amazement at the rollercoasters, her favourite was the storeroom with was still stocked with fluffy animals and toys. Her bright blue eyes shone when she threw herself into the pile of fluff.

Hayley was quiet and the only person she really took to was me, the only reason I could think of was the fact that I saved her. Carter moved a small bed into our room because she refused to sleep anywhere else, I would be lying if I said I wasn't growing attached to her. Parts of her reminded me of my baby brother Kyle, and I felt the need to protect her the way I couldn't protect him. When she finally started talking she told me the corpse i put down in the hotel room was her aunt, her parents died and the start and the woman had kept her safe up until that point.

"You hungry Hay?" I smiled down, brushing the stray locks from her face. She nodded her head eagerly, latching her hand in mine as I grabbed our food.

I sat next to Carter on the picnic bench and the small girl sat between us, looking between the two of us as she started eating. It felt natural, looking after her, I guess that came from us both having younger siblings.

"What's up guys" Ben and Brent joined us, both the boys waving a sweet hi to Hayley before sitting down. Brent and Carter grew closer the past year, they found Ben when they was on a boy's trip, basically their way of saying they are scavenging, but really they just want guy time.

Ben was nice enough, he had the same quirky banter as my husband which meant I couldn't stand being around them for too long, they bounced off each other which made me want to crush their skulls together. Ben had luminous tanned skin, a short frame around five ten which the boys joked about all the time, bright hazel eyes and shaved curls.

"How's my wounded princess" Ben winked at Carter, blowing him a sarcastic kiss.

Carter rolled his eyes looking to me as I spoke "Maybe you should be changing your princesses bandages each hour, you are slacking Benny boy".

"I don't want his hands on me" Carter moaned holding his hands over Hayley's ears "I walked in on him and Daisy the other day, trust me his hands are tainted".

Hayley was none the wiser, she carried on eating her food as all of us fake gagged.

"Really dude" Brent laughed moving away from him on the bench.

"He's joking" The boy pleaded "Carter tell them you are joking; the woman is like sixty".

Carter held his arms up dramatically "Hey, I don't lie. Sorry bro".

"I mean there isn't many options left Ben, I wouldn't blame you" I laughed but Ben ended up throwing a crisp at my head, causing me to overdramatically fall backwards.

I left the boys in peace to ramble on as I made my way through the camp, watching our people smile and laugh under the bright sun. This place had been thriving, we found more people and expanded the living areas. The walls were all double shielded with scrap metal we found on a nearby building site, we scavenged enough fuel to last us months for the generators, the farm was blossoming giving us a large range of fruit and vegetables.

I sat in the same spot each day when I finally had the chance, my best friends grave. I tell her almost every part of my day, even if she can't hear me it helps still being able to talk to her, feel close to her even though she isn't here anymore. Sometimes Brent joins me, we sit in silence reminiscing over her memories.

"Katie" I hear a small voice behind me who I instantly recognise as Hayley, she sat beside me leaning into my side as her ponytail brushed against my arm. "What are you doing?".

"I lost my best friend Melanie" She looks at me with her innocent blue eyes, the girl was so young but she knew loss just like the rest of us. "I come here and talk to her everyday".

"Can she hear you?".

"I hope so honey, she would have liked you" She smiled a bright smile, running her hand across the dirt.

"What was she like?" Hayley snuggled into my side more as I wrapped an arm around her.

"She was the happiest girl, always smiling or making jokes. Melanie had bright blue eyes like you, and the brightest smile. I met her and her sister Amie at school and we were inseparable, we found each other again but she didn't make it and I miss her everyday".

"I wish I could have met her".

"Me too" I lent my head against hers.

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