⌗ IV. 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗌𝗁𝗄𝖺 ;;

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THE ATMOSPHERE THROUGHOUT THE BUS DRIVE was eerily silent as no one dared to speak up and make any noise. You were sat on the window seat as Meguru was right next to you. Glancing out, you observed the scenery outside; it was around autumn, so most of the leaves had fallen from its trees.

You sighed, propping up your chin against the palm of your hand as you kept your gaze fixed outside. It was quite suspicious honestly, merely being told 'You're going to the dorms' and getting loaded onto buses after that. The possibility of this being a major kidnapping wasn't high but...

You quickly snapped out of your pessimistic thoughts as you were suddenly squished against a body.
You frowned, wondering what the hell Meguru was doing. You glanced up towards the brunette pointing out the windows towards a huge squared building with the logo and wording 'BLUE LOCK' plastered on the outside.

'Atleast we're not getting kidnapped.' You thought to yourself before taking in the infrastructure, honestly, it was kinda ugly. You looked back to see what the brunette in front of you was doing, you snickered to yourself as the male smothered his face against the window, pointing at the enormous building like a little child entering a candy store for the first time.

A minute later, the bus came to a halt, signifying it's arrival. The brunette next to you was beaming with excitement, you swore you could see light emitting from him. Crossing your arms, you chuckled softly at Meguru's childish demeanor.

Curiously, you glanced over to the front of the bus as you heard the doors open with a few others starting to get down already. You poked Meguru's shoulder, pointing towards the door as you signalled to get up and start moving. In which he nodded in response, grabbing both of your wrists while pulling you up.

"Let's go N/N~" With that, the taller male started walking ahead with you trailing right behind him. You felt nervous indeed, but you were also reassured to know Meguru would be right beside you all the time, of course he will be.

"Next.. L/N Y/N-kun.." You stepped forward to meet a young lady with red-brownish hair handing out uniforms to everyone. You graciously accepted the piece of clothing and moved on. In the distance, you saw Meguru waving avidly in your direction. You giggled at his actions and started speeding up your steps.

"Honestly, I thought you were gonna leave me alone." You elbowed the taller male lightly, prompting a look of offense from him. "What ?! I would never ! Who do you take me for.." He started pouting, crossing his arms as he turned away. You sweatdropped at the sight, ignoring his immature antics as you continued making your way to your assigned room.

ʚ 𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗿 ;; 𝖻𝗅𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝖼𝗄 𝗑 𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 ɞWhere stories live. Discover now