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THE NIGHT BEFORE THE MATCH with Team Y, Kuon had called for a meeting to discuss the strategy your team would be following tomorrow. The clock had already struck midnight and you were on the verge of dozing off at any moment, but you had enough self control to force yourself to stay awake.

Unfortunately, the brunette that had his body sprawled out all over your lap didn't, so you had to manage listening to Kuon's plan while being half-awake along with Meguru's weight squishing the crap out of you. For fuck's sake, he was taller and stronger than you — the roles should've been swapped-

You slapped yourself on your cheek, quickly snapping out that train of thought which caused a few sitting in your radius to turn towards you with confused looks. Ohhh how awkward. Ignoring their eyes on you, you snapped your head down to gaze at the brunette sleeping on your lap peacefully.

You berated him for being annoying and noisy all the time, but it wasn't like you disliked it — no.. you adored his loud and energetic demeanor, in all honesty; he brought the best out of you. So in moments like this where he was asleep, you couldn't get yourself to willingly communicate with your teammates. Scared you'd say something weird or rude accidentally, you ultimately decide to just stay silent every time.

Thinking about it, you rely too much on Meguru to help you communicate — you absolutely needed to start taking the initiative in things. But how would you exactly start doing that ? Searching for ideas in your brain, blank was all that appeared in your mind. Seems like it couldn't be helped.

Drowned in your own mind and thoughts, you didn't seem to hear the constant calling of your name from Kuon. Quickly snapping out of your daze, you turned to Kuon with a frown. It seemed like you were either irritated or angry, but internally you were panicking; apologizing to the boy in your mind for not responding quicker.

"Could you.. repeat that ?" You said nervously. Fuuuckk you prayed that he wasn't mad. Fortunately, the brunette merely sighed as he repeated his words that you didn't quite catch once more. "Are you alright with the rotation ?" He stated while holding up his notebook with the plan messily scribbled out on a page.

"Yeah. It's fine." You nodded your head before glancing back down. Honestly you didn't even pay attention, but it was already briefly discussed yesterday; so you assured yourself you hoped you got the basic gist of it.

Your attention was grabbed by your fellow teammates calling out the presence of the other team. You glanced over to the opposing side, watching one by one emerge from their own respective hallway.

Though you quickly shifted your gaze back down towards the ground as you were currently tying your shoelaces. Tying shoelaces is hard, you think. You recalled back to the numerous times where Meguru had made fun of the way you tied your laces — which was... pretty humiliating coming from him to say the least.

ʚ 𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗿 ;; 𝖻𝗅𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝖼𝗄 𝗑 𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 ɞWhere stories live. Discover now