Chapter one

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        I listened in on Yuuji's phone call from my room. I could tell he was trying to call grandpa. He usually never answered but today he did. Mostly to yell at Yuuji to not talk to him and to hurry up and get to school. I sighed at their conversation and walked over to my vanity, brushing my pink hair into a high ponytail but leaving my slightly curled bangs out. Oddly enough, me and Yuuji both have naturally pink hair but he also ended up with brown hair as well, from our parents I'd assume. I slid open my door just in time for Yuuji to hang up the phone. "Morning Y/n!" I huff "it'll be a good morning when I don't have to get up at 6 in the goddamn morning." He sweat drops and runs into the kitchen. "I bet breakfast will make it better! I made tamagoyaki."

       School was pretty boring per usual, well until it ends. Yuuji and I are both in the same club because it's a requirement and neither of us wanted to do sports. We're both actually rather athletic, much better than the average person I'd say but both to lazy. Well, I'm to lazy. I usually just sleep until club time is over and nobody really says much. There are two other people in our "supernatural" club but I don't remember their names. To be honest, I don't remember lots of things. "Y/n, c'mon it's time to go." Yuuji shakes me awake and I swat at him. "Go away and let me sleep." I can basically hear his eye twitch. "GET UP!" He grabs my shoulders and yanks me up from my chair and starts shaking me. "HEY STOP IT YOU WHORE! LET GO OF ME!" I yell back and he drops me to the ground. I huffed and brush myself off. "Bitch" I whisper and he smiles while pushing me into the wall.

   We finally make it out of the school and are almost off campus when we're stopped by the track coach. He makes a big deal about how we should join but we just try to walk away. "If you can beat me in two events I'll let you go!" We raise our eyebrows and make eye contact. "Hey Yuuji, if I win my event can I pick out grandpa's flowers this time?" He grins his stupid smile and nods. I grin back "all right you old fart, let's race. 50 meter dash good with you?" I drop my bag and stretch out my arms. He puffs up his chest at my choice of event. Everyone knows it's his specialty. I'm not as physically strong as Yuuji, but damn, I'm faster. We both took our marks and a gun sounded as we took off. I had finished before he even made it half way. 2.21 seconds. Sweet, new record!

   I smile and wave to him, picking up my bag and pulling out my sunglasses. They're circular and work really nicely. Yuuji easily wins his event, shotput I think it was. The coach just gets angry at us and try's to convince us to join the team. I roll my eyes though no one notices due to my glasses. Though, my eyes catch on a black haired boy watching us. He seems rather surprised at our athleticism. I've never seen him before. He looks kind of boring but, my kind of boring. Like the kind of person who could calm Yuuji down. And that's saying something. "C'mon Y/n let's go!" Yuuji grabs my wrist and starts sprinting away. I stumble a bit but soon take the lead. I turn back and smirk "keep up little bro." He huffs out his nose "You're only 7 and a half minutes older than me!" I just stick my tongue out at him mockingly and slow to a stop. He pushes me as payback when we get to the doors of the hospital.

     There's a flower shop in the hospital so I pick out grandpa's favorites and we head up to his room. He's grumpy as usual. I roll my eyes and take my sunglasses off, handing the flowers to Yuuji to put in a vase. I pull up a chair to grandpa's bed, leaning over and planting a kiss on his forehead. He swats me away but I know he likes it. "Hey grandpa." He grumbles back. "You two should be out doing something fun." Yuuji just looks out the window at the setting sun. He seems lost in thought. "We like visiting you grandpa." He reaches over and grabs me hand, squeezing it. "You two are nice kids. Help others. It doesn't matter how, just help them." I furrow my brows, confused about why he's going on a spiel right now. "Don't expect anything in return and doesn't have to be all the time. Just whenever you can. If you can do that, you'll be surrounded by people when you die. Don't end up like me." My grip tightens on his hand and I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes as his heart monitor flatlines.

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