Chapter five

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      I would be lying if I said that my time training for the exchange event wasn't fun. Even with Yuuji's absence I found a way to enjoy myself. Not that I didn't miss him of course, I think I was just able to relax because I knew he was fine. I was able to get really strong control of my fire too, with the help of Sukuna. I still hate him but he did a great deal to help me. He taught me most of his signature moves, like an arrow made of fire. Though, the purple flame was much hotter and had explosive properties. Since my flames were a direct result of my cursed energy and not just summoned I was able to do more with it than he was. Today was especially hot and I was leaned up against some stone stairs with the others while Kugisaki and Panda messed around.

    "Megumi, I'm hungry!" I whined and flopped onto his back from where I sat on the step behind him. He just grumbled "why didn't you eat breakfast then?" I hummed "well, I wasn't hungry then. Can we go over to the vending machines and grab something?" He said nothing but stood up and I followed him. "Hey, Kugisaki? You wanna grab a snack?" I yelled out for her and she sent a thumbs up, running over to us. "Hey Kugisaki I forgot to thank you for the track suit, it's great! I'm sure this idiot likes his too." I point behind me to where Megumi rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm glad you like them since they're matching." I grinned and took my sunglasses off once we got into the shade. I just decided to grab a drink since I wasn't in the mood for any of the snacks in the machines and fiddled with the hem of my shorts. "Don't do that, you might set it on fire." My eye twitched at Megumi as he tried to make a joke. I held up a flaming fist to him "better watch out or I'll set you on fire!"

    "I'm so scared." A new female voice feigned a scared tone and I looked up to see a tall woman with black hair. "I'm Mai and this is Todo." She was attractive and if I couldn't tell that she was a bitch I might be inclined to have a crush on her. Next to her was a tall, ripped guy who had a man bun. "What are you two doing here?" Megumi stuffs his hands in his pockets so that he looks unimpressed. "Well we heard that your classmate died and came to check on you. What was his name again? Itadori?" Mai spoke with mockery dripping from her voice. I took a step forward, ready to swing on this bitch. I felt my lip pull into a snarl "what's it to you?" She crossed her arms with a smug look. "Well you must be feeling good, not having to be anywhere near that monster any longer. I mean, he was just a vessel at this point, not deserving of life." Her words hit my heart deep. What did she say about Yuuji? She's just trying to make me angry, I know she is. It's working.

     "Shut it you whore, what do you know about Yuuji?" I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She looked pissed off at my control and then Todo spoke up. "I could care less. Im just here to make sure Okkutsu's replacements aren't boring." I huffed and crossed my arms, still a step in front of the other two. "So, Fushiguro, what's your taste in women?" Myself and Kugisaki side eyed each other and burst into laughter. "Bad question for such an anti-social guy!" Me and Kugisaki laughed for a moment and Megumi grabbed my head and shoved me into a headlock. "Ahh Megumi stop! Do you know how long it takes to do my hair in the morning?!" I smacked him and he let me go after messing with me. He began to speak with Todo but I drowned it out. I flipped him off from behind his back, my finger lit up with flames.

     "I suppose as long as someone has unshakable character then what more can I ask for?" The three girls in his presence seemed satisfied with his answer but Todo did not and sneered. "You're so boring Fushiguro. Why couldn't you just say something like the firecracker?" He pointed over at me and Kugisaki so we both pointed to ourselves. "The firey one." Oh, so me. Me and Megumi? It's kind of weird to think about. But I don't really think I could picture myself with anyone else if I'm being honest. Odd, but I don't have time to think about boys like that. So begun a fight between Megumi and Todo. "Megumi!" I yelled out for him as he slammed into a wall. "Help Kugisaki!" He immediately turned his attention back towards Todo and I nodded. He was right. Kugisaki is unarmed.

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