Chapter four

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      I want him back, I want my little brother back. I hadn't left Yuuji's bed for at least a day. I simply layed there and cried. People tried to talk to me but I ignored them. I just kept thinking about what happened that day. It was Sukuna's fault but it was also mine. Then an idea struck me. I'll admit, it was a long shot and probably a bad idea. But I was desperate. "Sukuna." I heard a groan from my hand and I glared down at my palm. "What do you want?" He snarled and I grabbed my wrist. "I want you to bring Yuuji back." His mouth turned into a sinister smile. "You'll have to make a deal." I sighed, figuring it would come to this. "Control, that's what you want right? My proposal is that you can have control of either my own or Yuuji's body for a minute if you say a key phrase, I don't know what though. But, you can't hurt or kill anyone during that minute." There's a moment of silence and Sukuna licks his teeth. "I'll accept if you forget we had this conversation, you can remember your brother is alive but you won't know we made a deal."

    I furrowed my brows "I'd think that would be contradictory." Sukuna hummed and came up with another idea. "How about you can remember but you have the inability to communicate it to anyone." I nod "I'll accept this deal as long as you bring Yuuji back to life." And it was done. Just like that, I knew my brother was back. I cried once again, happy tears of course. I continued to cry as I left Yuuji's room. It was dark out and all the lights were off. The moon was bright enough for me to find my door handle but as I grasped it, I paused. How did the others take Yuuji's death? I hadn't even bothered to check up on them. Maybe one of the two was still up? I backed away from my door and quietly walked over to Megumi's door, knocking lightly. There was a loud sigh and a thud from inside the room before the door opened to show an irritated Megumi. "I swear Gojo if you make me do anymore night train-" When he had finally opened his eyes to find me, Megumi stopped talking.

     I simply avoided eye contact, rethinking my decision. "Y/n? Do you need something?" I nodded, gaining courage. "I'm sorry." Megumi's eyes widened but then grew confused. "What for?" I looked at his shoulder rather than his eyes "sorry for yelling at you the other day I know you were trying to help." I felt a light knock on my head and I looked up to see a frowning Megumi "don't apologize for that dumbass. Just come in, I'll make you something to drink." I nodded and walked into his room, sitting down on a stool near a small kitchenette. Soon enough a hot mug of hot chocolate sat in front of me with little marshmallows. "Is there anything you need?" Megumi sat on a stool to my right and I hummed. "I wanted to check up on you and see how you were feeling, after... the other day." Once again, Megumi wore a face of confusion but it soon morphed into something sad. "I.. don't know. Honestly, you and Itadori were my first real friends so to lose one of you, especially one I chose to save, well, it was rough."

     I frowned and set my cup down, resting my head in my hands. "I'm sorry I got everyone into this mess. If I hadn't told Yuuji that we should help then maybe-" Megumi placed a hand on my shoulder and cut me off. "Y/n, I know it's hard but try not to regret anything. Think about what Itadori would want." I grit my teeth. I knew Yuuji would be fine, well and alive, but I couldn't help but think about if he wasn't. I would have tried to do want he would've wanted but I'd have given into myself sooner or later. "What about what I want?" I pursed my lips and mumbled. "Megumi, I told Gojo I wanted him to kill me." His grip tightened on my shoulder. "Why in the world would you say that?" I turned to face him "but that's not what I want anymore. I want to get stronger and I'll do whatever it takes to kill Sukuna." He calmed down a bit and nodded, smiling slightly. It was a cute smile. "Well, if that's what you want, we're training with the second years tomorrow, I can come get you if you want?" I hummed and sipped on my nearly cold hot chocolate.

     He glanced over at the clock and stood up, brushing himself off. "It's getting late, why don't you go to bed. I know you haven't slept and you need rest." I sigh and stand up. I feel gross, still having not showered since the incident. Yuuji's blood still lingering in my hair. Megumi walks me to the door and I turn back around. "Anything else you need before you leave?" I hum and nod, smiling softly "could you maybe summon your dog?" He rolled his eyes but summoned it anyway. I knelt down and hugged the large dog that was now a combination of the two. I looked up at Megumi from the floor and spotted a small smile on his face but he quickly wiped it away when he noticed me looking. I stood up and before I could stop myself I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thanks Megumi...goodnight." I let go before he could hug back, pat his dog one more time and turned to leave. "Goodnight." He mumbled and the sound of nails hitting the floor sounded. Megumi's dog followed me to my door. I looked up at Megumi and he looked away, seemingly embarrassed as he quickly shut his door.

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