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Death. It's like a never ending train ride. It's like a rollercoaster that will never stop until it reaches it's breaking point. We fear it. We can't bare to face it. The loss is too sad and devastating to indulge. The hard part is saying goodbye to the people you love. It's bittersweet... Its a force of nature. You are your own. Be on your own. We want to love. We want passion. We want success. So we fight like hell to get those things, the things we want. Anything else feels like death, Death is the most scariest thing ever. 

Why are the things we want are the things we can't have? But, as soon as we get what we want, there will always be someone trying to take that away from you. Life is like a mystery, there are clues to getting you through the good time. 

But, there are clues to helping you with the hard and horrific times of your life. As soon, as you find the solution to the mystery. You realize that it's the truth about what you want in life. Most people want happiness. Others want to be with the person they love. What I want is to live my life. To go through my life experiences different emotions like being curious. 

Being lost.  Being depressed. Being satisfied. Being passion. Being very intimidating. 

Being every emotion that there is in the dictionary. Because I don't want to die without knowing that I haven't experience sorrow or experience the rush going through something that I've faced my fear. 

If you ask people what they want in life, it's simply : to be happy. We all want to be happy. We all want to find happiness at unexpected places. Sometimes we all have to put a happy face on to not seem weak or not sure what we want. But inside of you, you are just falling apart and have this giant crack through your heart. You are not sure how to repair that crack. 

But, sometimes you just have to let your emotions and frustrations out from inside of you.

Quote: What a caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly

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