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I am going to be honest with you. The truth fucking hurts. You know it. I know it. So we lie to everyone. We lie to our family. To our friends but we especially lie to ourselves. We lie because the truth hurts.

I was told that everything is based on what you decide to do, it's your decision. You always have a decision. Even when it seems like there isn't.

Sometimes, we are afraid to make decisions because we don't want to be wrong? To be right? Or to just simply say I don't know?

Our parents tell us to live and pursue our dreams, our grandparents warn us about wasted time. But the thing is that we don't really realize about wasted time until we reach a center point in our lives where we want to change ourselves.

When you ask people are you okay? They most likely say I'm fine. That's a lie. We seem like we're fine but, we know we're not. So, we say I'm fine to not seem weak. To be tough. But one in a while, it's okay to let your guard down and not be tough all the time. To say fuck it, I'm not fine.

Stop saying, start doing. Words mean nothing unless your actions show that those words that were said mean something.

I would rather hear the truth than be told a lie.

The truth isn't something we can avoid. I used to see the world as black and white.

A black and white world filled with true colors. But somewhere around the lines there is a bit of grey in this world. Believe it or not? Well that's up to you.

Let's play truth or dare. Truth, tell me how you really feel. Dare, prove it. -

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