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Jungkook:Tae, come here

Tae:yes, daddy?

Jungkook:do you hate me for hurting you? You know you can tell me, I will not hurt you anymore, tell me is it hurting

*jungkook's eyes tear up when he said this and he wanted to hold it so badly but, couldn't, he started to cry. This broke tae's heart,seeing his husband and only love crying is soo much hurting ,he wiped jungkook's tears away and said*

Tae:daddy,you love me and I love you, and that means we would never hurt each other,and then how come you can ask me this kind of question?

Jungkook:I-I know Tae, bu-but

Tae:but what? Are you thinking about what hobi hyung said? Don't mind it, what matters is that I love you and you love me. Ok? do you promise to stay with me till our end?

Jungkook:I pinky promise

Tae:hmm, maybe we can do a promise we both love to do, can we?

Jungkook:as you wish my baby

Sorry guys I was so focused on another story of mine it is also taekook it is called "after school" bye guys I💜U

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry guys I was so focused on another story of mine it is also taekook it is called "after school" bye guys I💜U

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