I met a boy from outta town...

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Kenma hated waking up early. He hated anything that included getting out of his bed. His bed was a safe-haven of warmth, so he was less than enthused when his alarm went off. With a groan, Kenma managed to haul himself off the bed. "...Why can't I just sleep forever...?" His cat-like golden eyes narrowed as he saw the time. 

5:46AM. Time for volleyball training. '...I can't believe I let Yaku talk me into this...'  The pudding-haired boy's thoughts filled with a flurry of colourful words that he'd tell the shorter boy the next time he saw him as he got dressed. With his shoulders slumped, Kenma picked his bag up and walked downstairs, where he was greeted with a pleasant smell.

'...Apple pie...?' He thought in confusion as he walked towards the kitchen. Inside, he saw his mother pulling a steaming pie out of the oven, the heavenly smell instantly making his mouth salivate. But then, a frown crossed his face. "...Why are you cooking pie this early in the morning...?" He asked in confusion. 

Kenma's mother, Kameko, smiled as she saw him. "Well, good morning to you too, sweetheart." She chuckled, unfazed by Kema's bluntness. Kameko's short, black hair was tied back into a lazy bun, which she always used for cooking, and had an apron around her body. It was the same cooking apron Kenma had gotten her for Christmas the previous year. It was white with pictures of butterflies, her favourite insect. Kenma noted that his mother seemed more tired than usual, slight eyebags visible along her laughter lines. His eyes furrowed in concern.

"...Are you alright, Mum? You seem... tired." He said hesitantly. Kenma wasn't sure whether his mother was going to say how she really felt, but he waited to see anyway.

"I'm fine, honey." Kameko replied. She wiped her floury hands on the apron and took a deep breath, before smiling more, hoping to ease her son's worries. "Did you hear? There's going to be a new family moving in next door, so I was hoping after school today, we could go together as a family and give them a proper welcoming to the neighbourhood?" Kameko suggested.

"...That's so cliche and old-school..." Kenma grumbled, but as he saw his mothers smile falter slightly, he felt his resolve disappear. "...But fine... If it means that much to you." The smile returned to Kameko's face, and she clapped her hands together.

"Perfect, because I've already made the pie!" She gestured proudly towards the apple pie, and Kenma's eyes narrowed at the sight of his favourite food.

"...So that's not for me?" Kenma asked, and Kameko shook her head. 

"There's left over pie from the last time I made some in the fridge, sweetie." Kameko gestured towards the fridge door, before turning her attention back to the pie. "...I assume you want to take some to school?" Kenma only nodded in response as he walked towards the fridge. He opened the door, and began moving things around to find what he wanted. The longer he couldn't find it, the more his irritation began setting in. It was too early in the morning for all this...

"...Where in the fridge is it...?" He complained, and Kameko chuckled. 

"In the drawer, in the container." She pointed out, and Kenma sighed. 

"...Why is it not in an easier place to find?" He grumbled to himself as he packed the apple pie in his bag.

"You're going to be late for volleyball training if you don't hurry up." His mother pointed out, and another groan left his lips.

"I just wanted to sleep in for once, is that so hard to ask?" He sighed, slipping on his shoes and waving goodbye to Kameko. "See you this afternoon, mum." 

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