Oh he was perfect, but it was pissing me off

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'Tetsuro Kuroo...' Kenma thought as he looked at the older boy from head to toe. '...What a stupid name.'

Yaku sensed his friend's dislike of the new member and snickered. "Let the newbie talk." Yaku muttered, looking the well-built newcomer up and down once more.

"I'm a third-year." Kuroo continued, his hazel eyes looking over the entire team, taking everyone's appearances in. His gaze lingered on Kenma, and as if Kuroo could sense Kenma's annoyance, he chuckled. "Looks like I have fan already." The sarcasm in his voice was obvious, and Kai stepped forwards.

"I'm Nobuyuki Kai, the captain." Kai held out his hand to Kuroo, a smile on his face. The taller took his hand, shaking it. "I also apologize for Kenma, he's... in case you hadn't noticed, just a bit judgemental... and blunt." Kenma scoffed as he heard that, before sitting down on the bench as the rest of the team introduce themselves.

'They seem so... excited, it's annoying, really...' Kenma thought as he watched the scene. The pudding-haired teen pulled out his Nintendo Switch and opened up Animal Crossing. It hadn't even been five minutes before he was interrupted by a loud yell.

"Kenmaaaa!" The loud voice belonged to Taketora Yamamoto, the Ace of the team. He was an average-height second-year, but that's where the normality's ended. The boy had dyed his hair blonde, before cutting it into a mohawk to appear more intimidating, and frankly, it was working. "Get your lazy, antisocial ass off that seat and train with the rest of us!!!" Yamamoto ran over, slightly startling the pudding-haired boy. Kenma slid his Nintendo back into his bag and frowned.

"Training hasn't even started yet, Yamamoto..." He muttered, looking annoyed at his teammate.

"Aww, c'mon, Pudding-Head! Come get to know Rooster-Head over there better!" Yamamoto insisted, and Kenma scowled.

"Why do you always give us annoying nicknames?" The lanky teen grumbled, before following the latter towards Kuroo. The newest member of the Volleyball team was currently talking to an enthusiastic Inuoka. The tall, lean first year was jumping up and down happily in front of Kuroo like a child.

"So you're a middle blocker too, huh? That's really cool, but I suppose that means I'll be moved, since we also have Lev, you know, the really tall, half-Russian boy with the silver hair? Yeah, right here!" Inuoka basically dragged Lev towards Kuroo. Lev smirked as he saw his newest teammate.

"Lev Haiba, first year." He said smugly, looking down. Lev was an intimidating 6'4, his lanky body towering over the team. Kuroo whistled, impressed.

"Wow, you're really tall." Kuroo appreciated the sheer height, before smirking. "...But that does mean your reflexes are slightly... off, no? Slightly slower than normal?" He taunted, and Lev's smug look faltered slightly, before he scoffed.

"Okay, let's see if you're as good as you think. I challenge my 'senpai' to a 3v3 match." Lev said confidently, standing tall once more. "I want... Kenma-san, and... uhm..." Lev looked around, his head whipping from side to side before grinning. "Yaku-san!"

"Okay, hold on a second." Kai said quickly. "Kenma's our setter, and Yaku's the Libero, that's slightly... unfair, don't you think?" Lev opened his mouth to reply, when Kuroo cut him off.

"Don't worry about it, Kai-san." The black-haired teen said confidently, meeting Lev's glare with a smug look. "I'll take... you." Kuroo pointed towards Yamamoto. "The tiger-mohawk boy, and... you." Kuroo pointed towards a small first-year student. The first-year in question looked calm as he was pointed to. "What's your name, bushy eyebrows?" Kuroo asked, and the first-year chuckled slightly.

"I'm Tamahiko Teshiro." Teshiro was 5'7, relatively short for a volleyball player, and was the teams pinch server, as well as back-up setter. He had short, light-coloured hair, as well as matching, thick eyebrows. "Although, I can't complain about a nickname as... accurate as bushy eyebrows."

"H-Hold up!" Kai said quickly. "We still have to train, surely you two could schedule this for another day!"

"Aw, you're no fun, Captain." Lev sighed dramatically, before relenting. "Okay... What day?"

"This weekend." Kuroo smirked. "Saturday, 12PM, right here."

"Okay, fine with me." Lev scoffed, and Kai started the training session. Having heard all this, Kenma was not happy.

"What the hell?" He complained to Yaku. "Saturdays are for sleeping in, not stupid volleyball games."

"Suck it up, gamer boy." The shorter boy smirked. "We're gonna see Lev get his ass handed to him, he can't receive to save his life. Now let's warm up." He basically dragged Kenma to start jogging around the court.


Across the court, Kuroo spotted Kenma jogging. It wasn't that hard, considering he was the only one with hair like a pudding cup. "Hey..." Kuroo jogged up to Yamamoto, who was trying to speed through the jog. "...Mohawk, what's that kid's name?" He asked, glancing at Kenma, who was already panting.

"Him? Oh, that's just Kenma... He's the setter." Yamamoto said, his voice even.

"Mhm... and what year is he in?"

"Second, like me." Yamamoto grinned. "We're the superior year, in case you hadn't noticed yet."

"Huh..." Kuroo's voice trailed off as he watched Kenma run. Yamamoto noticed this and smirked slightly.

"Don't go getting any idea's, dude." He said, and Kuroo scoffed.

"I'm straight, buddy." Kuroo rolled his eyes, looking annoyed, although he sounded slightly flustered. "I wouldn't dream of it."


"Come on, Kenma!" Yaku encouraged. "Keep running!"

Sweat trickled down the setter's face as he panted. "Goddammit, I hate running..." Kenma gasped for air as he finally finished his laps. "...Why are the warm-ups so much more exhausting than the actual game...?"

"Probably because you just stand there during the games, only sometimes jumping to block." Yamamoto yelled from the other side of the court.

"Shut up!" Kenma yelled back.

"So, Kuroo!" Yaku walked up to the taller boy. "We never asked, what positions do you play?" This caught everyone's attention, and they all turned towards the conversation, ears perked.

"He's a middle blocker!" Inuoka jumped up and down. "He told me earlier!"

"A middle-blocker, huh?" Kenma asked, looking at Kuroo's long arms and broad shoulders. "...Of course you are." He grumbled, and Kuroo smirked at the latter's lingering gaze.

"See something you like, huh?" Kuroo flirted, and Kenma's scowl deepened.

"'I'm straight', my ass." Yamamoto scoffed as Kuroo leaned closer to Kenma, who looked uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's get into drills!" Kai called out to the team. "Partner up! Kuroo, you can go with Kenma today."

"Oh, you're fucking kidding me..." Kenma swore as Kuroo grinned, grabbing a ball.

"Here, serve it hard for me, I'll dig it back up." Kuroo said, and Kenma did just that, but not without complaining. The ball flew through the air, and the team watched as Kuroo dove for it. With surprising reflexes, the taller boy managed to get his arms underneath it. His arms absorbed the impact of the ball on his skin with his body, digging it almost perfectly. Nekoma's jaws dropped, the Gym silent, until Yaku began laughing.

"Lev, you've fucked up, big-time."






Word count: 1239


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