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She put her hand on his forehead " what you think you doing " ? Baek kyung asked her " I'm checking your temperature that are you really okay " ? He just looked at her not saying anything " what ofc it's weird that you suddenly came out of nowhere to me and inviting me to walk with you it's so strange "

He start to walk not caring about her she looked at him being disappointed and run after him " yeh what's with this telling me to walk together and now walking alone " without looking at her he said " I thought you don't wanna go " she rolled her eyes suddenly she stopped on her track not moving he stopped too and looked back at her

She grab her shirt feeling a sudden pain in her chest he call her name " Y/n ?" But she didn't reply infact she fall on ground clenching her shirt for that moment that pain was unbearable he got worried he kneel down and grab her shoulder " What's happening to you y/n "  without any time she passed out in his arms

                                   Time skip

Y/n opened her eyes only to find herself in hospital room she looked over and saw no one around she tried to sit and closed her eyes " how and what happened to Me ? She questioned herself cuz it was the first in her life she felt this kind of pain suddenly door open revealing baek kyung with a bag of snacks in his hand

After seeing her awake he run to her and grab her hand " you okay ? Is it hurting again " ? She was shocked seeing him worried about her even tho he never showed this kind of emotion even for dan-oh  " y-yes I'm okay " he was just looking in her eyes when they heard a voice " Y/n-ah !! " Dan-oh run to her and hug her really tightly following her ha-ru and do-hwa also hugged her baek kyung signed and grab a packet of snack and start munching it while looking at them

" We were so worried are you okay now " ha-ru said while cupping her face y/n blushed a little which was clearly noticed by baek kyung

                                 Next day

Y/n entered her classroom do-hwa notice her he walk to her and said " why you came today you should've rest today" she smiled" don't worry am totally absolutely fine " baek kyung also entered he saw her with do-hwa he just passed them mostly bumping in do-hwa " okay if you say so just take care okay" do-hwa said her glaring at baek kyung knowing damn well he bump into him purposely she nodded " I will "

Professor entered the classroom " so students you know we go to trip every year so this year we also going I hope you all come and enjoy " everyone clapped y/n looked at baek kyung grinning " this is my time to work on my plan "

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