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" what " ? Baek kyung said  being confused that why he wants y/n to be his partner and not dan-oh " ha-ru do you like dan-oh" ? Baek kyung asked him without even thinking ha-ru looked at him for a minute and than said " she is my best friend ofc I like her but if you asking romantically than no I don't she loves you and I won't cross my line " do-hwa who was witnessing all this said " baek kyung don't overthink dan-oh is yours only "

Baek kyung didn't said anything cuz he was unclear at that point of course according to plot ha-ru supposed to love dan-oh but he don't that's the most highlighted question for him and without knowing he asked " do you like y/n ? " Ha-ru didn't answer for a minute but than he huff and said " I don't know but the day she came I am feeling something I'm not even sure about maybe I like her "

Before Baek kyung say something it was their turn to pick ball after picking baek kyung noticed he got 4 y/n came to him and show him her ball " seems like we are partners " he felt sudden reassurance that she was his partner and not ha-ru's

After pairing they all started to walk in forest baek kyung was walking beside y/n with avert gaze she was looking around they were walking in silence until baek kyung thought to break the ice " have you ever experienced this " ? She shook her head " No it's my first time but it's good cuz I got you by my side "

He looked at her with a mix feeling did he felt happy when she mentioned it ? It's been 25 mins and y/n was tired now she stopped on her track making him to stop too " what why you slow down " ? He asked her " I'm tired now I can't walk fast " he sighs knowing he can't leave her here

He extend his hand to her she stare him with questionable look " take my hand so we can walk with same pace " she hesitate for a minute but than she hold his hand and it will be lie if we say she didn't felt thousand of butterflies in her stomach " don't worry I won't leave your hand "

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