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Dan-oh was crying feeling blue how can baek kyung never cared about her feelings he just always made her feel she is no where to fit in his life is she  really hard to love she was feeling so numb when she someone wipe her tears she looked and saw " ha-ru"

" Why you crying huh "? He asked in concern ofc she is his best friend it's hurt him too to see her like this " ha-ru tell me is that hard to love me that baek kyung never for once felt anything for Me "

" Who said that , you're most precious and valuable person a man can ever have " she sobs " than why can't he feel the same " ha-ru smiled a little and said cupping her face " he is pabo to not see such an Angel so don't worry you have me nah if he don't care than leave him and be with me " she chuckle hearing his words  " I don't deserve such a gem "

                                Next day
                                    Sports day

Today it was a sports day every one was enjoying it was basketball ball match baek kyung and y/n was in one team while dan-oh and ha-ru was in other team they were playing when suddenly
Y/n felt sharp pain in her chest a painful scream left her mouth baek kyung saw her he run to her she couldn't bear the pain and passed out

                           Time skip

Y/n opened her eyes and again found herself in medical room dan-oh hold her hand and said " y/n you okay "? Hearing her voice baek kyung and ha-ru also went near y/n looked at them and said " yes don't worry " but inside y/n was feeling terrible she was scared that why it's happening with her before anyone could say anything jinmichae said " you all go outside now she need rest " they nodded dan-oh and ha-ru left baek kyung was about to go when jinmichae grab his wrist signaling him to stay

" Y/n we have something to tell you "  she looked at them with curiosity jinmichae took a deep breath and said " you're not from here I mean this comic book I know " her eyes widened she looked both of them in shocked

( Jinmichae told her how he found it and it's all how he get to know in drama and baek kyung got to know from jinmichae)

" We still don't know how you end up in this book and the pain you feel is related to this you will die y/n if you stay for too long because you're not a character" jinmichae said this all worriedly he than looked at baek kyung and decided to leave cuz he wanted them to talk

" So you knew all this time that am not from here " she said looking at him

" Not really I got to know late but that didn't change the fact that I love you" he said looking in her eyes

" Don't love me baek kyung it will hurt us only and now you even know that I don't belong here this is absurd" she said all with heavy heart

" I don't care y/n because my love is true "


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