you'll remember her

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vivian and felix where on there way to school together of course. vivian had gone with felix straight from saltburn to oxford it didn't matter much seeing as she had pretty much all her stuff at salt burn. her parents couldn't care less about what she did anymore. 

vivians younger sister was always there focus ever since she was born. vivian eventually gave up on trying to impress them or prove her worth. she simply stopped giving a fuck what they thought. she would go out without telling them, get drunk and high, go to parties with her friends. she didn't even bother sneaking out or back in. her parents didn't even seem to care. 

it wasn't until she had come home one night after going out to a party. 

vivian stumbled back into the house plopping down on the chair next to the door. she was very clearly drunk and anyone who saw the slight bit of blood at the base of her nose could connect the dots on that one. she had on very high heels and very little clothes. 

vivian's little sister was also in the room watching a movie with her friends. apparently her being in a "state" around her "precious" little sister and her friends was what finally set her parents of. vivian and her parents had gotten in a fight about how  "vivan your going to corrupt your sister and her friends. you will not act like this in my house hold." 

her parents sent her to a boarding school that's when she meet felix. so... needless to say her parents couldn't be bothered. not to mention they hadn't seen her since the beginning of the summer when she went home to get essentially the rest of her clothes to take to saltburn.  they clearly didn't want to see her anyway. 


vivian and felix had settled in quite well for only being at oxford for a little while the only thing was farleigh had of course come along and given that he was felix's cousin he hung around all the time. 

vivian and felix had both gotten room close to each other they were only a few doors away. felix clamd he had the nicer room but it was hard to tell under the mess that already existed. vivian's room on the other hand was neat and tidy everything had its spot for now.


olivers point of view( this is probably the going to be the only part not in vivians point of view)

 oliver had just got to his dorm. he looked out his window in the the courtyard. his eyes immediately fell upon a group of people standing in a small circle two of the people in the group drew his attention. like a moth to a flame. 

they stood out but they couldn't have fit in better. there closeness obvious with the boys arm sling over her shoulder. maybe that was the reason they stood out or it could have been that draw that they had about them. so perfect yet not perfect at all. the kind of friend your parents would think could do no wrong but it couldn't be farther from the truth. 

the guy (felix oliver just doesn't know who he is.) was talking to some other boy. the girl he had wrapped in his arm was clearly paying attention to a very different conversation. that was until he turned to her moving his hand slightly as he tried to ask her something. but she interrupted him talking so loud oliver could hear through the closed glass window. "jezz felix you're going to burn a hole in my skirt with those ashes." the girl said picking the cigarette out of the boys hand before shaking her skirt trying to get the ashes that must have fell on it.  

oliver neared closer to the window. falling even deeper into the trance coming from felix and this girl. 

oliver was right at the window watching as the girl took a long drag from the cigarette before placing it in felix's mouth. he was so drawn in by the girls sloppy beauty. it wasn't until felix looked up from the group spoting him that oliver finally ducked away from the window. 


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