the definition of HER

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vivian was sat on a small cough next to some boy who clearly didnt know how to talk to girls. he was talking about some DJ he had just heard about. or at least she was pretty sure he was talking about a DJ but she was wasted, high and not paying attention to him so he could have been talking about BJ's and it would have flown straing over hear head. 

vivian was to focused on oliver and felix who were sat at another cough straight across from her. every now and then felix would look over at her to make sure she was alright. of course she was she was simply board out of her mind and would have done anything to get this boy to shut his mouth or at the very least go get her a drink. 

vivian pulled a pack of cigarets out of the boys shirt pocket. "can i get a light." she said extending the cigarette in front of her. the boy nodded lighting it for her. 

"anyway as i was saying..." he began to drown on and on again but she was now focused on trying to zigzag  the smoke as it came out of her mouth. trying to spell out vivian but the bots on the i's kept giving her trouble. 

finally she got it. clapping her hands. "holy shit felix did you see that. " she shouted across the room. "no what?" he said looking up at her. "never mind i'll show you later." she said waving her hand at him showing him back to him and oliver's conversation. "sorry what were you saying." vivian said to the boy next to her as he started his rant back up. vivian slouched deeper in to the cough. 


really short part of felix and olivers conversation. (vivian doesn't know this so if you want to just read vivian's perspective skip this and i'll say when it goes back to her.

"you and vivian are really close aren't you." oliver said looking over at vivian. "ya we've been friend for a while." felix turned so he was also looking at her. "you ever? ... you know. i mean look at her you can't say  you don't want to do that." oliver said lowering his voice. "ahh fuck mate i do want to that the thing" felix said lowering his voice quite a bit. oliver nodded his head "but you've never?"  "i have twice but we were both really drunk, both times and neither of us have brought it up. hell i'd do it again in a heartbeat it's just." felix shrugged. "you should try again." oliver said tilting his head towards her. 


the next time vivan looked at felix him and oliver were both looking at her well they talked. she lowered her hand to the side of her leg where the boy couldn't see. she began to snap her hand open and closed mocking the boy. felix and oliver began to die laughing causing vivan to laugh to be for looking back at the boy. 

it only took a minute for vivan to get board and look back at felix. help she mouthed to him. she watched as felix whispered something to oliver before kissing him on the cheek and standing up. 

felix walked over stopping in front of vivian. he cleared his throat as his way of telling her to get up. vivan watched felix give the boy a sort of i win look as vivian stood up. felix kept eye contact with the boy as he put his hand right on vivinas ass guiding her forward and out of the room. "bye ollie." vivan called over her shoulder.  "thank you." she whispered looking up at felix. the boy nodded as he lead her out of the party.

the two had just walked in to felix's dorm when he asked. "what were you going to show me." "oh right." vivian said jumping onto his bed and pulling her heels of throwing them on to the already messy floor. 

she reached over grabbing a pack of cigarette of his night stand. she fumbled around for a lighter knocking quit a few things on to the floor. "you know you really should clean up a bit." she said pulling the lighter of the night stand. "ya i know." felix said undoing the last button on his shirt before pulling it of and throwing it across the room. he plopped down on the bed next the her. 

"ok." vivian announced rolling on to her back. it took her a few tries to get it but eventually she spelt her name with the smoke. 

"see i spelt vivian." she said smiling happily at felix. "no you didnt put a dot on the i's you spelt vlvlan. but it was still cute." he said kissing her on the cheek and he pulled the cigarette out of her hand taking a drag. 

"aww your cute to but it was definitely still vivian eve if it didn't have the dots." vivian said turning her head so she was looking at felix. felix taped the butt of the cigarette out. he slowly moved so he was now hovering above vivian with his hands on either side of her head.

 "viv did you just call me cute." he said getting even closer. vivian giggled as she put her hands on his chest tracing the wing tattoo on his rib from memory as she looked into his eyes. "maybe i did, what about it."

 "say it again" felix whispered in to her ear. "you felix catton are really fucking cute." she said giggling as felix began to pepper little kissed across her cheek slowly finding his way to her lips.

 from her lips he worked his way down her neck until her shirt stopped him. felis slowly looked up at her.

 "this is ok right?" he asked a slight bit of worry in his voice as if he though she would say it wasn't. "as long as you've got a condom. your cute but i'm not in the market for a baby felix at the moment." vivian said a smirk playing across her face.

she leaned up slightly pulling her shirt off. as her hands were above her head lifting the shirt of she felt felix slip one of his hands down her chest and onto her back undoing the clasp on her bra. 

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