Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"How was the Math test?"

"I think my facial expression explains everything."

I looked at Sally and gave her a fuck-this-shit facial expression.

"Ah. I see."

We wrote a Math test this morning and I studied three days straight for it, with school and eating in between, but do you think it helped in any way? Nooooo.

I swear I do better when I don't study at all. I won't fail this test but I would probably get a B.


Sally and I looked up at Sophia as she came to sit next to me and placed her food tray on the table.

"How was the test for you guys?"

Sally and I became good friends with her since Ruben's welcome home party. I don't really know why we didn't talk to her earlier but these past four weeks has been hilarious since she joined us.

Charles took her on frequent dates and I think he'll ask her out one of these days...

"Could we like not talk about the test please?"

I let out a big sigh which made Sally roll her eyes at me.

"Ignore her. She's just being grumpy because she thinks she's going to get a B which she won't."

Sophia chuckled at Sally's comment.

"Ha-ha you're so hilarious." I gave Sally a glare and she threw her hands up showing that she surrenders.

"What did Sally do to deserve such an evil glare, Ali?"

I looked at Ruben who sat down beside Sally. My eyes moved down to his neck. He still had to wear the neck brace for another 5 weeks and there were already names and messages written in permanent marker on it. Of course Aiden's name would be written in big bold letters.

"Oh, she's just being Sally that's all."

Sally placed both her hands over her heart dramatically, "Ouch."

I cocked an eyebrow at her, "Drama queen."

"Well you love this drama queen." She dragged out the o of love.

"Yup I do!" I smiled at her, "Hey, I have a double off so I'm going to go to McDonald's, I want an ice cream. Does anybody want to come with?"

"I'll come but I don't want anything, I just have a double off and don't want to sit here like a loner." Ruben smiled at me.

I nodded.

"Can't. I have double Geography." Sally shook her head, "Sorry."

"I can't either. I have Spanish." A dreamy smile formed on Sophia's face. She had Spanish with Charles.

"Guess it's just you and me, Ruben. I don't know where Brad and Aiden are so I don't know if they want to go." I shrugged.

The bell rang after a while and Sophia almost ran to Spanish class. Sally took her time. She didn't actually care if she came late for class or not. The teachers have all given up on scolding or giving her detention for being late.

Ruben and I made our way out of the school gates. We had no need for a car because McDonald's was only a block away from school, about 5 minutes' walk.

"Thank you." Ruben said after a few minutes.

I looked at Ruben, confused.

"For what?"

"Staying at the hospital that night."

"Oh. It was nothing."

"It means a lot to me."

My face flushed pink and I turned my head away from him.

"No problem. You would've done the same for me."

"I probably would have hey."

We walked in silence for the next two minutes. At McDonald's I bought an ice cream and we walked back to school.


"Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Picasso, and Klimt were all very famous artists..."

Mrs. Ellis usually didn't bore me like this but today she just had to talk about famous artist who drew or painted some amazing things in the past. They are all interesting and their work are beautiful but I'm really not in the mood for them today. I just wanted to go home.

I thought about how Ruben and I walked to MacDonald's a few hours back. Did he really appreciate it that much that I slept at the hospital that night?


I was quickly pulled back down to earth.

"Y-yes mrs. Ellis?"

"Who made The Old Guitarist and during what period did he make it?"

"It is an artwork by Pablo Picasso. He made it during his Blue Period."

"Good but please concentrate when I explain things to you."

I nodded at her and smiled. She continued explaining about Picasso's history.

The class dragged on for another 10 minutes and then the bell rang. I basically ran out of the classroom to the car. I just really wanted to go home and flop down on my bed.

"Hey Ali!"

It was Nick. I smiled at him while leaning against the car's hood.

"Hey Nick!"

Nick folded his arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You know, it's really hard to find you during school."

I chuckled at him.

"Its not my fault you search like a man."

"Hey! That hurt right here." He placed his hand over his heart and pouted at me.

My eyes fluttered over his handsome facial futures while he spoke to me. His blonde hair was in chaos and his brown eyes was staring at me. He had beautiful pink lips that just seemed so kissable, if that even was a word, his adam's apple moved as he talked.

"Ali are you listening?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah sure."

"As I was saying..."

My mind drifted off again but I was snapped back to reality as I heard the doors click open.

I straightened myself up.

"Brad's here. Sorry but see you tomorrow Nick."

"Yeah sure. Bye Ali!"

I smiled at him and he smiled back which gave me a fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

I quickly opened the passenger seat's door and climbed in the car before I did something stupid. Brad climbed into the driver's seat.

"How was school today sis?"

Hmm. I wondered. How was school today anyway?

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