Did you break into my house?

108 4 4


English is not my native language!

Ship: Scar x Grian

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

Let me know what you thought of the story and what your favorite part was! Enjoy!


Grian is too busy to put on Christmas decorations. Scar does not approve.

Christmas prompt: "Did you break into my house?" "You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?"


Grian was too busy for Christmas.

It's not that he disliked Christmas, no matter what some of his server mates claimed. He was simply too busy for decorating his base. He didn't have time to go out and find a suitable tree, or watch sappy romantic movies or join the others for Christmas carolling. The back of his base needed finishing, he needed to add some more secret passages to Dwayne and he had some shards left to keep up with the current phase of Decked Out 2.

So, no, Grian's base was not lit up with Christmas lights, not as decorated as some of the other bases. It was not decorated at all. And there were no tinsels, baubles or wreaths to be found. But who cares! He didn't mind one bit. But there is someone who does.. supplied the voice in the back of his head.

True, there was someone, besides Mumbo, who mentioned the lack of festive decorations and who seemed utterly disappointed to find out that Grian had no intentions to decorate or 'get into the spirit'. Scar loved Christmas. He loved all things cozy, light and warm. Scarland was once again decorated thoroughly and every corner screamed 'Merry Christmas'. The Elven tree looked like some fairy's had puked all over it with baubles, string of lights and candy canes. The cookie factory had special Christmas cookies, which were distributed all over the server. Scar was always seen in an ugly sweater, which looked unfairly good on him. Where ever Scar went, Christmas songs seemed to follow him.

Scar embodied everything and Grian seriously wondered how the other still had time left to work on his park and run Decked Out. He was truly amazing.

Before his mind could supply more reasons as to why he loved the other man so dearly, he decided he'd done enough building work for now. Time for Decked Out. The game was a marvellous remedy for his overthinking and he felt relieved to find out he still had 5 more shards. When he spread his wings and took to the sky, he swore he spotted someone from the corner of his eye. But one sweep of the perimeter, high up above, told him there was no one there. So Grian took off towards the Deep Frost Citadel.


The 5 shards didn't last him long.

Sadly, the Ravagers had been ruthless, the artifact locations rubbish and hazard had blocked his way one too may time. Disgruntled, Grian flew back to his base, landing on the bridge connecting him to Mumbo. He had half a heart to find out if the moustached man was home and express his frustrations from the terrible runs he had. But he decided against it when his eyes landed on the perfectly green Christmas wreath that was hanging on the Vault's door. Mumbo hadn't decorated his base as excessively as Scar had, but he had decorated it none the less.

"Maybe I should put on some lights or something..."

Grian mumbled to himself as he walked towards his base. Some warm white lights would go well with the big lantern stars hanging from the roofs and he could add some garland to the staircase, that would finish it up nicely. Oh and the tree definitely needed more ornaments.

...Wait a second.

There was a tree?! And lights and stars and- Grian blinked. Still a tree in the corner of the great hall. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes made no difference. There was still a Christmas tree.

Right as he was about to question his sanity, movement in the room adjacent caught his eye. He briskly walked over to the dining room, ready to catch whoever it was in the act of breaking and entering his base. That would teach them, getting caught red-handed.


The man yelped and almost dropped the glass angel ornament he was holding. Both men released a breath when Scar managed to not drop the piece and let it shatter on the floor into a million pieces. "Well hello there," Scar said, sounding every bit as caught out as he was. The charming smile on his face faltered a bit when he received a stern and unimpressed look. He put the angel down safely as Grian walked over to him.

"Did you break into my house?"

"What? Nooo, of course not!"

They stood facing each other as if they didn't already know the answer. "Okay, maybe," Scar relented," But you refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?" Grian sighed deeply, wondering what to do with the slightly infuriating man before him. "You could help me decorate?" Scar offered as if reading his mind.

Grian let his eyes wander through the room, from the set table with candles glowing, to the strings of lights hanging from the ceiling which casted a nice glow that seemed to reflect the sparkle in Scar's eyes. It didn't matter that Scar was giving him his best puppy dog eyes, he couldn't have said no to him anyway.


And Scar's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"But only if you promise not to break into my base, again," Grian added with a pointed finger. "Ooh, but of course!" Scar grinned. His tone indicated he had no intension on keeping that promise and Grian was secretly happy with that. As they moved back towards the great hall, Grian did wonder. "Where did you get all this stuff from anyway?"

Scar paused his whistled rendition of 'Oh Christmas Tree' to give him a sheepish look. "From my attic." Grian shot him a disbelieving look. "Why would you ever need much decorations?!"

"Hey! One can never have to many decorations!"

They both laughed as Scar nearly tripped over his own feet, trying to retrieve a box full of ornaments from the hallway. The rest of the evening was spend in each other's company. Decorating the tree, Scar singing Christmas songs and Grian occasionally humming along. Once they finished, Scar 'forced' Grian to watch sappy Christmas movies with him while sipping on some hot chocolate.

Grian was grateful for Scar's unconventional way of convincing him to get into the Christmas spirit. For he truly did like the Holiday. If only because it brought Scar so much joy. He would endure all the festivities for Scar, if it made him happy. And he would do anything to hear him say 'Merry Christmas, Grian' with a soft smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas, Scar." 

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