Part 23

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"You've gotta try, baby. Please? For me? Don't you think he's handsome?"

Leigh flipped a page of a magazine and grimaced at a tour date for a concert that wasn't going to happen. "Totally. He's a real catch, mom."

"He's a good shot. You could learn a thing or two."

"Grandma hates guns." She looked up in time to see her mother's face tighten. The tension between them both was so tight that Leigh some times felt like she was yanking on a noose."Why do I have to learn from him? Theo could teach me."

"It would make me so happy if you two would get along," Sharley said. Little mini bottles of scotch rattled from her coat pocket. The glass clinked together, a literal party stashed away. "I'd like knowing he'd be a good dad to you."

"I don't need a dad," Leigh said flatly. She also didn't need a mother. She didn't want anyone. It would be nicer to just vanish where nobody had a claim to her. She felt broken inside, pointless and without value. And yet people kept waging wars for her. "I don't like him."

"You haven't tried. C'mon, Rosalie. Get off your ass and do something for me, huh? I'd like a few minutes without you hanging around. God. Do you know what it's like? Being stuck here with you? I didn't ask for a kid like you. I could've had a different life if it wasn't for you. Fuck. Learn how to shoot a gun and be useful."

"Why'd you even take me then? You could've left me behind at any point. If I'm so useless-"

"You're my daughter. I made you," Sharley threatened her, ripping the magazine away and hauling her up by her arm. "Now go do as I say."

"Fuck you," Leigh said hoarsely. She earned a slap across the face for it.

"Hey, hey. What the hell is going on here?" Someone said softly. They were in the stockroom where Sharley found Leigh's hiding spot. And now her new boyfriend of the hour was joining their bubble, prompting more ruin. "Maybe y'all need a minute? Some cooling off time?"

Sharley's face smoothed out. "We're just having a little chat, sweetheart. Something private."

"Thought I was giving Rosalie some shooting lessons."

"She's ready. Go."

Leigh followed obediently. She never had a choice in the end.


Sasha stalked her way towards where Gabriel was standing. "What are you doing? This is all connected, isn't it? You show up... we're being watched. And now we're missing a person," she seethed, fury burning off of her in waves. Gabriel's panic was visible from across the room.

"I... I don't understand— I have nothing to do with this."

Her knife whispered against the holder as she pulled it free. Rosita moved forward, dark braids like ink bound back. "Don't!" She snapped, straining against Abraham's hold on her. "Put it away."

But Sasha wasn't listening to Rosita or Gabriel's hands held up slightly in a silent plea for innocence. "Who's out there?"

"I— I don't have anything..."

"Where is Bob?"

Daryl looked almost as angry as Sasha. He was at the back of their crowd and still had his hand firmly on Leigh's wrist, squeezing a fraction tighter when she tried to move away.

This was going bad. Leigh watched the scene with vague horror. Old history was playing out new again.

Rick came forward as Sasha drew back. His anger seemed endless. It was cold as ice as he stood before Gabriel and refused to move back an inch. "Why'd you bring us here?"

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